I'm back! Well, sort of.
Last Friday, after a whole lot of craziness and...soooo much driving, Tigahstyle and I finally got moved in. Well..The moving kinda seeped into Saturday as well, but shhhh.
The move went alright, it was just a lot of driving, mostly in the heat of my car (which has no working A/C right now). We finally have everything in though. It's funny how after you move, you notice all the things you don't have that are crucial to living in a house.
On my wishlist right now is:
- a vacuum
- sponges!
- a broom
- have the gas turned on...come on people, I don't care if it was a holiday weekend, I'm tired of sammiches (yes...I said it. Didn't think I ever would, did you?)
- a couch. I'm looking at ads as we speak
- the internet. I can live without tv, but the internet would have fixed Matty and my boredom I think
That's about all the important things I can think of right now.
Right about now, I just want all of those things...And my car to be fixed. I pretty much quit Peet's, because I hate that job. I still need a second job though. Or at least, I'd prefer one. I make enough now (woo for raises!) for rent and bills and other things, it'd just be nice to make more so I could get my car fixed and pay off my student loan. That's all I want!
How was everyone's 4th? I spent mine playing The Sims2. All day. No joke. I took a break to make a sandwich and open a drink, but that's about it.
p.s. boo to panic attacks. boo to being sad. boo to lame jobs and boo to not getting new ones because...i'm a kid. or something. i wanna vacation. where are we going?
Last Friday, after a whole lot of craziness and...soooo much driving, Tigahstyle and I finally got moved in. Well..The moving kinda seeped into Saturday as well, but shhhh.
The move went alright, it was just a lot of driving, mostly in the heat of my car (which has no working A/C right now). We finally have everything in though. It's funny how after you move, you notice all the things you don't have that are crucial to living in a house.
On my wishlist right now is:
- a vacuum
- sponges!
- a broom
- have the gas turned on...come on people, I don't care if it was a holiday weekend, I'm tired of sammiches (yes...I said it. Didn't think I ever would, did you?)
- a couch. I'm looking at ads as we speak
- the internet. I can live without tv, but the internet would have fixed Matty and my boredom I think
That's about all the important things I can think of right now.
Right about now, I just want all of those things...And my car to be fixed. I pretty much quit Peet's, because I hate that job. I still need a second job though. Or at least, I'd prefer one. I make enough now (woo for raises!) for rent and bills and other things, it'd just be nice to make more so I could get my car fixed and pay off my student loan. That's all I want!
How was everyone's 4th? I spent mine playing The Sims2. All day. No joke. I took a break to make a sandwich and open a drink, but that's about it.
p.s. boo to panic attacks. boo to being sad. boo to lame jobs and boo to not getting new ones because...i'm a kid. or something. i wanna vacation. where are we going?
I totally noticed that same thing when I moved into my own apartment. There was the sudden realization "Oh shit, I have no dishware, pots or pans, silverware...vaccuum...bed...couches...um...fuck, I gotta go to the laundromat too..." I slept on the floor for almost a year, haha. Ohhh man being 20 and dirt ass poor. Those were actually memorable times though. Way better than now actually. Being broke was an adventure back then, now it's a huge hassle.
I spent my 4th having nutso stomach cramps and being stuck at my parents house.
So, I can't wait to see your new place. So exciting, yay!
Also, I demand that we all hang out to celebrate my b-day when I get back from Boston, okay?
P.S. I hope the gas is turned on soon!