The Remnants of Warped Tour
Every year I feel more and more disconnected from the crowds at those shows. I only go for a (very) select few people/bands, and the crowd is getting younger and younger, while the music gets worse and worse. Granted, I do enjoy a decent amount of the "warped tour" bands, but they're not generally people I want to shell over a lot of cash for.
This year, once again, I knew some people on the tour so I didn't have to worry about paying too much money for people I didn't care about. However. Karma is a bitch.
I had the sleeve of my wallet (not the whole wallet, mind you. Just the sleeve) that contains my credit cards and bank cards stolen right out of my purse. Major bumfest. Never fear. Most of my funds have since been returned to me.
THAT ASIDE, I still had a fantastic time. I spent almost all of my time in the not for profit area (make sure to check out the Boarding for Breast Cancer booth - ask for jasmine, donate a dollar, and tell her Cc sent you!), I got a gigantic welt on my leg thanks to a Razor Scooter to the shin while setting the booths up early in the a.m. (the aftermath in the photo above is from well over a week later), I got attacked with water guns, I got to harass friends in bands I hadn't seen in ages, I was in turn attacked by a stranger from a band I didn't know (which was HI-larious) and best of all, i got to do it all for free. Can't beat that price.
I wish I would have stayed all four days like I was originally planning.
This week, I have a set to shoot with the amazing Brooklyn. I can't wait.
New set? Can't wait! =]