This is a tad late, but Happy Belated Independence Day to the Americans, and Happy Belated Canada Day to the Canadians!
I woke up today a little bit hungover - I was making these fantastic drinks all night called Dolly Knockers. I don't know anywhere to get them outside of this restaurant/bar I go to in the City called Vinyl (if you're ever there, go make love to the Justin Timberlake bathroom and sit at the Liza Minelli table. Best. Ever.) but it consists of Melon Vodka, Red Bull, and Lemonade and it tastes like pink lemonade. It is perfection.
Going back in time, though, let's talk about my life starting from where I left off (because everyone cares to know?). I was recently "let go" from my job due to time and attendance issues (they didnt like me taking the day off for that MSI video shoot). But I suppose that means I'm free of their binding contract and can now say that I absolutely hated working there.

That friday, my friends and I had a show to attend - The Love Cats (again), and for those of you who don't know, it's a The Cure cover band, featuring some dudes from The Bouncing Souls, Thursday, and My Chemical Romance. One of the girls I went with knows one of them, so stupid, drunk times were had by all - and at the end of the night I got to rock out to my favorite Heavy Metal BeeGees Tribute Band ever - Tragedy! Frank Iero was adorable and sweet as always, and I'm absolutely in love with the Robert Smith impersonating lead singer of The Love Cats, DJ. Or as we're calling him - Bobby.

Poor guy had to deal with our heckling all night about songs they didnt play and should, how particular his makeup was on stage and how we'd planned to attack him with lipstick if that hadn't been the case, and then the promise that I would tease and hairspray the shit out of his hair at their next show because it just wasn't right. All in all, I think he handled us well and he's adorable.
Here he is, on stage:

That's about it for now! New photoshoot next weekend. Can't wait, can't wait.