The video shoot was ridiculously fun. I had a lead role! They dressed me in a serious, actual vintage poodle skirt, and man, are those things heavy! My partner and I were dressed as the pink ladies, and had to come up with a dance routine in about an hour that consisted mostly of ass-shaking (as instructed by The Powers That Be). I've never shaken my ass in a poodle skirt before, so it was definitely an experience.
There was also the most beautiful girl there. She was an extra, and later she told me she was Chinese and Irish. She had pink in her hair and for the ENTIRE shoot, the guys and I were like competing to get her attention. It was pretty amusing. However, I won.

My legs and stomach are SO sore from the dance routine we had to do on a DDR game machine. I haven't really had to dance that hard since I was still in high school, so it was a little bit of a challenge for me. Plus I was the only girl who had to dance in heels! I'm proud, I didn't fall once. And I think the end result of this video is going to be really good.
Good job, Mindless Self Indulgence. Good job.