I had a Tuesday night at work without discussing erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and wanking!
And a night time carpet picnic.
And I have the day off tomorrow.
I'm not sure there's anything dysfunctional about not being able to get erect. It'd solve an awful lot of my problems. I'd be climbing tress and playing with train sets and stuff, which is exactly the sort of awesome thing I used to do before erections came along. Anyone complains to you about erectile dysfunction, give them a meccano set and remind them how great it was in the old days.
I'd much rather be building a truck with strips of hole-punched metal than busying myself in a pair of messy flaps, waiting for the whole disgusting spectacle to be over.
I'd much rather be building a truck with strips of hole-punched metal than busying myself in a pair of messy flaps, waiting for the whole disgusting spectacle to be over.