whenever I need a pick me up... or just a good talking to! I ask astro barry... he has all the answers
LEO (July 23-August 22): If you want a certain sought-after somebody to take notice of you, or to specifically notice the things you want to be noticed for it's on you to show him you mean business. With Mars and Pluto sextiling across two potentially love-related houses in your solar chart, you should place yourself in the dominant take-charge position, rather than hoping Mr. or Ms. Dreamboat catches on to subtle clues and makes the move his-/herself. This ain't the moment to play it cool_unless, of course, you're willing to risk being overlooked altogether. Why waste the time? Find a conspicuous way to cause some kind of commotion (not an unpleasant happening, so much as merely a noisy or impossible-to-ignore one), and it'll stop 'em dead in their tracks. Then, blurt out a bold proposal, or reveal something scandalous about yourself that'll get tongues wagging. Even if these provocative efforts appear on the surface to backfire, you may need to give 'em a chance to sink in. If you did a good job creating a memorable impression, they'll still be thinking about you days afterward. It's less about the immediate result than it is about the attention-grabbing efforts themselves. All publicity, as they say, is good publicity. Meanwhile, on the professional front, you may find yourself on the receiving end of unearned praise or popularity. It's not that you don't generally deserve it, dear Leo, but in this case, you may be the lucky victim of mistaken identity. Before you climb up to the podium to grab your trophy (is it yours?) and launch into your weepy acceptance speech (which you conveniently had in your jacket pocket?), be openly honest with any misgivings you might have about claiming this prize. If it ain't legitimately yours, don't take it. Explain why, with thankful respect but deflationary dutifulness. Your real award_for unwavering ethic_is still being engraved.
LEO (July 23-August 22): If you want a certain sought-after somebody to take notice of you, or to specifically notice the things you want to be noticed for it's on you to show him you mean business. With Mars and Pluto sextiling across two potentially love-related houses in your solar chart, you should place yourself in the dominant take-charge position, rather than hoping Mr. or Ms. Dreamboat catches on to subtle clues and makes the move his-/herself. This ain't the moment to play it cool_unless, of course, you're willing to risk being overlooked altogether. Why waste the time? Find a conspicuous way to cause some kind of commotion (not an unpleasant happening, so much as merely a noisy or impossible-to-ignore one), and it'll stop 'em dead in their tracks. Then, blurt out a bold proposal, or reveal something scandalous about yourself that'll get tongues wagging. Even if these provocative efforts appear on the surface to backfire, you may need to give 'em a chance to sink in. If you did a good job creating a memorable impression, they'll still be thinking about you days afterward. It's less about the immediate result than it is about the attention-grabbing efforts themselves. All publicity, as they say, is good publicity. Meanwhile, on the professional front, you may find yourself on the receiving end of unearned praise or popularity. It's not that you don't generally deserve it, dear Leo, but in this case, you may be the lucky victim of mistaken identity. Before you climb up to the podium to grab your trophy (is it yours?) and launch into your weepy acceptance speech (which you conveniently had in your jacket pocket?), be openly honest with any misgivings you might have about claiming this prize. If it ain't legitimately yours, don't take it. Explain why, with thankful respect but deflationary dutifulness. Your real award_for unwavering ethic_is still being engraved.