I got Chuck Palahnuik's new book out of the library yesterday. It was just sitting on the book express table, so I said "I guess the local library patrons are not hip to it?" And snatched it up. I also had 2 books on hold. They are very different from Haunted and kind of geeky. The lady asked me if I picked it up because of the cover. My sensibilities were offended. So far I really like it, it's a good read. Like, something you can sink your teeth into.
I've got purple hair dye coming and that's exciting. My hair has faded to a weird reddish-rust-orange-fuschia color. And I've bumped up the hair-washing to a daily thing to prep for purple. As opposed to every 4th day or so. I would alway get it wet and put conditioner in, but not always wash. Just to clarify.
Still in love with Alkaline Trio. Totally forgot there's a new Death Cab cd to get. Also a new Our Lady Peace cd but I'm very wary. Gravity was enjoyable, but let's face it, it sucked. I am seeing them in concert though so I almost feel obligated to get the new one. Fuck that, if I can sing along with Naveed, I'm not going to bother.
I just looked at my calendar and said "oh it's september." It was still on august.
I'm on my last round of meds for lyme. And I really, really can't have alcohol with them. I have to be careful around mouthwash and vanilla extract. Still once I'm Done With Lyme Meds, I may party like a rock star. Maybe.
I may write and perhaps even draw or paint. Probably not. I've had a few ideas for bits and pieces floating around my head for stories and drawing/painting I've just sort of taken inspiration where I can get it. Like cartoons and
The Wooster Collective. It's mostly a way stay engaged with the creative process. Which sounds like absolute bullshit but I'm not really doing it for any other reason. I'm rusty, what do you want from me?
I was reading this really great book The Faery Reel when I started to get sick. First of all I highly recommend it. I was really impressed at the quality of the work despite it being a YA anthology. Secondly I kept thinking I somehow offended the fae and they made me sick.
I got Chuck Palahnuik's new book out of the library yesterday. It was just sitting on the book express table, so I said "I guess the local library patrons are not hip to it?" And snatched it up. I also had 2 books on hold. They are very different from Haunted and kind of geeky. The lady asked me if I picked it up because of the cover. My sensibilities were offended. So far I really like it, it's a good read. Like, something you can sink your teeth into.
I've got purple hair dye coming and that's exciting. My hair has faded to a weird reddish-rust-orange-fuschia color. And I've bumped up the hair-washing to a daily thing to prep for purple. As opposed to every 4th day or so. I would alway get it wet and put conditioner in, but not always wash. Just to clarify.
Still in love with Alkaline Trio. Totally forgot there's a new Death Cab cd to get. Also a new Our Lady Peace cd but I'm very wary. Gravity was enjoyable, but let's face it, it sucked. I am seeing them in concert though so I almost feel obligated to get the new one. Fuck that, if I can sing along with Naveed, I'm not going to bother.
I just looked at my calendar and said "oh it's september." It was still on august.
I'm on my last round of meds for lyme. And I really, really can't have alcohol with them. I have to be careful around mouthwash and vanilla extract. Still once I'm Done With Lyme Meds, I may party like a rock star. Maybe.
I may write and perhaps even draw or paint. Probably not. I've had a few ideas for bits and pieces floating around my head for stories and drawing/painting I've just sort of taken inspiration where I can get it. Like cartoons and
The Wooster Collective. It's mostly a way stay engaged with the creative process. Which sounds like absolute bullshit but I'm not really doing it for any other reason. I'm rusty, what do you want from me?
I was reading this really great book The Faery Reel when I started to get sick. First of all I highly recommend it. I was really impressed at the quality of the work despite it being a YA anthology. Secondly I kept thinking I somehow offended the fae and they made me sick.
Cool what colour purple is it?, is it like a lightishy purple or a dark purple.
Thats great about being on the last of the Lyme meds, that will be a big weight off your shoulders when they are done.
What sort of things do you like to draw/paint?.
I would say something about the cd's but i've never heard any of their songs so would be rather pointless of me to say anything there
Well actually, you arent the only one with the VHS one I have it on tape aswell I taped it years back when I saw it was on, I then picked up the special edition of it and The Dark Crystal when I found out they were appearing on DVD, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the extra worm bit was on it where he says that if she had gone down that way she'd go straight to the castle! may only be a small bit but it's part of the story.
That is rather odd about the tank top, those things are suppose to have quite alot of give in them arent they?, I think you'll find it's not so much your body and it's shape as it is the clothes theres so many different sizeing types it's near impossible to figure out which is which sometimes, My main trouble is trying to find shirts that fit haha i"m quite large and i take an XL here in new zealand and quite a few times i've seen shirts i really like and there have just been none in my size
Yeah the sore throat will clear up in no time, atleast your feeling alot better than you were.