On September . . .

That one page sums up my life perfectly.
As most of you know, or maybe only some, I hate September. It is a month of transitions, and I am not built for extended transitional phases. The ninth month is not without it's merits . . .the weather begins to mellow, the symbolic or actual start of the school year in addition to the occurrence of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Happy New Year!) tend to make one think of fresh starts and new beginnings and finally no white after labor day means a greater chance of finding black clothing in stores.
Beyond all this though . . . I still hate September.
I have my means of distraction . . . this year it's a new job, last undergrad semester, and getting into grad school. I also have my yearly tradition of reading the same book in September . . .
Can you figure out the book? Maybe. Can you figure out why? Maybe not.

So in lieu of chatter . . . food porn!
rice before

rice after (it became a salad with caramelized onions, fresh thyme, arugula, and baby english cukes)

garlic before

garlic after (almost burned it but it was certainly salvageable; it went into hummus)

german striped tomato!!!!! i highly recommend picking one up at your nearest farmers market, they are sweet, and mild. and delicious. in the other photo, the big one is a brandywine and the little one is a pink beauty.

I also got nectarines and a SURPRISE WATERMELON!! The farmer didn't know what kind it would be, it could have been yellow orange, or red/pink.

It was a standard watermelon, but really delicious . . . proof? Watermelon carnage.

Messy watermelon kisses indeed . . .
Also . . . not food, but I thought it looked nice:

30 volume developer with red/gold correcter plus to keep out the red and the gold. Apparently.
I changed my hair . . . it's a lot lighter . . . I'm sick of my hair though.

And with that . . . I take my leave. I'll be back in October. Catch you on the flipside.
p.s. toby cow was looking particularly charming . . . how could i resist that squishy cow face?

That one page sums up my life perfectly.
As most of you know, or maybe only some, I hate September. It is a month of transitions, and I am not built for extended transitional phases. The ninth month is not without it's merits . . .the weather begins to mellow, the symbolic or actual start of the school year in addition to the occurrence of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Happy New Year!) tend to make one think of fresh starts and new beginnings and finally no white after labor day means a greater chance of finding black clothing in stores.
Beyond all this though . . . I still hate September.
I have my means of distraction . . . this year it's a new job, last undergrad semester, and getting into grad school. I also have my yearly tradition of reading the same book in September . . .
Can you figure out the book? Maybe. Can you figure out why? Maybe not.

So in lieu of chatter . . . food porn!
rice before

rice after (it became a salad with caramelized onions, fresh thyme, arugula, and baby english cukes)

garlic before

garlic after (almost burned it but it was certainly salvageable; it went into hummus)

german striped tomato!!!!! i highly recommend picking one up at your nearest farmers market, they are sweet, and mild. and delicious. in the other photo, the big one is a brandywine and the little one is a pink beauty.

I also got nectarines and a SURPRISE WATERMELON!! The farmer didn't know what kind it would be, it could have been yellow orange, or red/pink.

It was a standard watermelon, but really delicious . . . proof? Watermelon carnage.

Messy watermelon kisses indeed . . .
Also . . . not food, but I thought it looked nice:

30 volume developer with red/gold correcter plus to keep out the red and the gold. Apparently.
I changed my hair . . . it's a lot lighter . . . I'm sick of my hair though.

And with that . . . I take my leave. I'll be back in October. Catch you on the flipside.
p.s. toby cow was looking particularly charming . . . how could i resist that squishy cow face?

You, my dear, have made me terribly hungry. I want to come back and cook food with you.