I know, I know I just posted saturday night. I decided to write tonight, and most of this is straight from my brain to the page but I like it more than the current entry. One of my favorite things to write about is sensory experiences, so I wrote about some recent favorites. Enjoy.
- An ever so slight cool, rain-dampened breeze sneaking through a window and sliding over the nearest patch of bare skin; the underside of the wrist or the precise spot where shoulder and neck meet.
- The satisfying sound of foam flip flop meeting heel as one makes ones journey throughout the course of a warm spring day. Over carpets as air conditioning cools overheated bodies, and over grass, as a warm breeze melts the iciest of bare limbs from artificial cold.
- The sweet, creamy slip-sliding of slightly melted ice cream, over the tongue, pressed against the roof of the mouth, licking the errant drop at the corner of smiling lips, and the cold shudder as travels down the back of the throat.
- Flora and fauna; young leaves glinting green-gold with the high noon sunlight on a cloudless day, flowers glittering with the previous nights dew, sparkling in the sunrise.
- Late night rain showers, drip-drop-dripping down the leaves, the roof onto the grass and street, the air smelling damp, cool, and clean, street lamps and stop signs brilliant reflected in colored streaks on the wet asphalt.
- The sticky saltiness of beach zephyrs; from hot abrasive sand and dry scratchy seaweed to the cool sinking of the shoreline, the waves gliding and crashing, foam capped, over bare feet.
- Cool sheets over bare skin, the ceiling fan tickling a stray lock of hair, a sleepy hand bats the hair away, roll over, back to sleep.
And with that . . . sleep is a rose, as the Persians say.
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: All I want for my birthday on Thursday is plane tickets to far away lands. Or maybe just Florida and somewhere else. However by far the best birthday present (in some time) was the surprise tickets to see fallout boy with Cherie. I luff her lots.
us being seriously awesome and pregaming it in the parking lot
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank ya!