10. I missed seeing my favorite band tonight. I'm a sad bunny.
9. I'm also really burned out and I have a sore throat. I think I'm just dehydrated, but that only covers the first part.
8. I heard the new single from this album

It's called "Sowing Season (Yeah)" and by the grace of the universe I turned on the radio as it was premiering.
7. Work has been stressful the past few days, I've come home upset the past 3 days I've worked. I'm going to try really hard to amend the situation but there's only so much I can do beyond riding it out.
6. In 40 days I will be seeing my cupcakeloverface. FORTY DAYS PEOPLE!! Holy shit!
5. OMG WTF I CANNOT FINISH THIS ENTRY I HAVE A TICK EMBEDDED IN MY ARM! My arm hurt, I was like hmm this is weird I wonder what I did, so I slide my arm up my sleeve and feel the spot and lo and behold I'm pulling at something AAAAH IT'S A TICK AND IT REALLY HURTS AND IT'S DUG INTO THE FLESHY UNDERSIDE OF MY ARM NEAR MY ARMPIT!!!
4. Crisis averted. I pulled that sucker out . . . I had to really dig into my skin to get the head out though . . . my arm hurts x2, from having to hold it straight up and the spot where the bite was (it really needed to come out though . . . it was getting dark purple around the edges).
3. I am tired and nauseous and my neck hurts. But this is nothing going to ryan adams' website cannot fix. For reals his rap song is motherfuckin' hilarious. Too bad it isn't working at the moment.
2. I guess I can finish the entry. School is stressful in a big way. I'm either worried about falling behind, or behind and I'm pretty sure I screwed up big time in one of my classes.
1. I really truly wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. Today. In 6 hours I have to be at work. Ugh.
So yeah that's how I roll lately. Or something. I think I'm going to go eat some peanut butter now.
messy watermelon kisses,
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: I had an elementary school teacher who instilled in us that we could only use one paper towel, and that we only needed one paper towel, and if we used more than one we had to write an essay about the environment. To this day I only use one paper towel (for the most part) and cannot stand when people take more than two.
9. I'm also really burned out and I have a sore throat. I think I'm just dehydrated, but that only covers the first part.
8. I heard the new single from this album

It's called "Sowing Season (Yeah)" and by the grace of the universe I turned on the radio as it was premiering.

7. Work has been stressful the past few days, I've come home upset the past 3 days I've worked. I'm going to try really hard to amend the situation but there's only so much I can do beyond riding it out.
6. In 40 days I will be seeing my cupcakeloverface. FORTY DAYS PEOPLE!! Holy shit!
5. OMG WTF I CANNOT FINISH THIS ENTRY I HAVE A TICK EMBEDDED IN MY ARM! My arm hurt, I was like hmm this is weird I wonder what I did, so I slide my arm up my sleeve and feel the spot and lo and behold I'm pulling at something AAAAH IT'S A TICK AND IT REALLY HURTS AND IT'S DUG INTO THE FLESHY UNDERSIDE OF MY ARM NEAR MY ARMPIT!!!

4. Crisis averted. I pulled that sucker out . . . I had to really dig into my skin to get the head out though . . . my arm hurts x2, from having to hold it straight up and the spot where the bite was (it really needed to come out though . . . it was getting dark purple around the edges).
3. I am tired and nauseous and my neck hurts. But this is nothing going to ryan adams' website cannot fix. For reals his rap song is motherfuckin' hilarious. Too bad it isn't working at the moment.
2. I guess I can finish the entry. School is stressful in a big way. I'm either worried about falling behind, or behind and I'm pretty sure I screwed up big time in one of my classes.
1. I really truly wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. Today. In 6 hours I have to be at work. Ugh.
So yeah that's how I roll lately. Or something. I think I'm going to go eat some peanut butter now.
messy watermelon kisses,
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: I had an elementary school teacher who instilled in us that we could only use one paper towel, and that we only needed one paper towel, and if we used more than one we had to write an essay about the environment. To this day I only use one paper towel (for the most part) and cannot stand when people take more than two.
(I hate that when it's happened to me).
Tell me that's not the classiest thing you've ever fucking heard.