1. I SAW MONTY ARE I TONIGHT!!!! And it just kept the love going. GREAT show, and Cadence and I waltzed to "Dublin Waltz." Why? BECAUSE WE ARE AWESOME! I also declared tonight that I'm the baddest bitch in town. I'm pretty bummed Cadence moved to Albany, because I love her lots. I just thought you guys should know.
2. Getting much better. Yes I do in fact know I have strep because I went to the doctor and they told me after looking at my hugely swollen throat and doing a culture. It is going away thanks to the wonders of liquid amoxicillin.
3. Have rediscovered an artist I've loved for some time. Her name is Emilie Autumn and I FINALLY received my limited edition Opheliac EP in the mail this week and it's fucking awesome. I'm quite fond of "Swallow" "Opheliac" and "Marry Me", which is aboslutely fucking hysterical. She's definitely an aquired taste, along the lines of Rasputina but more so. I don't know exactly how to describe her beyond "way awesome." I'm not gonna lie, she's also incredibly gorgeous.

4. Latest aesthetic pursuit: long black hair. Let's see how long I'll hold out. So far so good, but as Miss Lovesome knows the siren song of kitchen shears can be awfully hard to resist.
5. events, events.


I'm spent. And full of meat. (Cadence gets that). Good night folks.
messy watermelon kisses,
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: In the vein of hair discussions, I've never had really long hair once in my life, and I've probably had short hair for the most part. From pixie cuts to chin length. But never anything past hmm, I would say a good 2 or 3 inches above my shoulders and that was at it's longest and that was when I was in elementary school.
p.s.I will probably be cleaning up my friends list soon. It's nothing personal except that well, you're a person. You're more than welcome to bookmark me if I delete you. I'm just trimming things down a bit.
SO glad you got to see "Monty are I" finally. I mean, that was about the only excuse I was going to take from you for missing my show.
Wow. That was a really, silly run-on sentence. I should do more of those.