1. Cadence is cute as a fucking button in person. I totally love her and we're going to hang out and watch Eddie Izzard and drink fantastical alcoholic concoctions. I still feel bad about not dancing and stuff, but I'm glad I didn't because I wasn't wearing my dancing shoes. When I got home last night I discovered a huge fucking blister on the back of my right heel. So it was good that I didn't dance.
2. I also met Bailey and she's a cool fucking lady. So there.
3. Last night was: screwdrivers, sticky humidity, puppy!, brotherhood of the wolf, under pressure, wandering lost in the rain, temptation. Good times by all. I think. ♥
4. I have black hair. I just added a red tint last . . . friday. Not even a week later it's black. And I LOVE IT!!
5. I'm on my last day of antibiotics. THANK FUCKING GOD.
messy watermelon kisses,
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: I get really excited about buy school supplies. Notebooks, pens, binders, post-its, index cards . . . HOORAY! I think it's kind of the equivalent of an art student buying art supplies. For me, notebooks and pens are what I use to "hone my craft" or whatever you want to call it. So there.
I know sometimes we just can help but be naughty. Good thing that you completed the full course.
Dude, I LOVE buying school supplies! I always attributed it to being a big nerd, though.