1. OMFG KILLER RI HEAT!!! Seriously, it's supposed to get up to 92F today. Ugh. I wish I knew someone with a functioning pool. Ours is apparently out of comission or I would be in it right now. I would go to the beach but at this point the traffic isn't worth it.
2. My hair is even redder, but I'm debating going back to black. Not in this heat though. Ugh.
3. It's really annoying when you're trying to flirt with someone and they just don't get it. What do I have to do, hit you over the head with an obvious stick?! Haha I'm totally in stupid "boy crazy" mode anyway. Whatevs. I'll live
4. Awesomeness ensues in the coming weeks. No I'm not telling you about any of it except that Monty Are I's cd comes out AUGUST 1ST and you can preorder it at interpunk or newbury comics.
5. I went shopping yesterday, terrible capitalist that I am, but I totaly made out like a geeky/pervy/goth winner. Haha.
The Sandman Papers
I'm still squealing over this. A collection of critical essays on the sandman? Hello! *humps book* Also even the back cover is dope, look at the barcode.
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
I'm really excited about having this book. Despite his penchant for . . . I don't know, overdoing it maybe? And also sort of gendering the hero (while I don't necessarily mind this, it's kind of a pet peeve). Still fucking yeah! Critical essays make me 50 kinds of excited.
Burlesque/Fetish and the Art of the Teese
Which I have already finished and absolutely love, though I am slightly critical of her aesthetic. It's not bad, it's just not necessarily for me. At any rate, I would love to write a semi-critical response/personal essay type thing for it. It could happen.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
I decided to indulge myself and buy the actual dvd even though I did ask for a burned copy. This became a sort of quest though, because store after store didn't have any in stock, even Newbury Comics! Thankfully I found it, and consequently did a happy dance.
Oh and in closing, I've been eating watermelon lately (due the to heat) which is extra funny to a select few people but mostly it's funny because y'know, someone could totally have messy watermelon kisses. If there was anyone I wanted to give them to, haha.
Oh and I'm slowly not being sick. It's difficult in the heat but I'm trying.
messy watermelon kisses (for reals),
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: I have a tendency to count steps. It started on a school trip to Italy because I wasn't feeling well for part of it, and I would get dizzy. Some of the stairs we would walk up/down (in ruins and such) were steep or not very good, so I would count them as a way to focus and make sure I didn't fall. When I took Japanese in . . . 03/04, this evolved into a way to practice counting in japanese, which, by the way, has one of the simplest counting systems EVER. Not including the different counter suffixes (for people/certain types of obejcts/etc.), but it's basically 1-10, and then for 11-19 it's 10-1, 10-2, etc. For 20, it would be 2-10, 21 is 2-10-1. SO SIMPLE!! I love it. So yeah I still count steps, even though I have no reason too; it's not a compulsion I think, I just sort of do it.
2. My hair is even redder, but I'm debating going back to black. Not in this heat though. Ugh.
3. It's really annoying when you're trying to flirt with someone and they just don't get it. What do I have to do, hit you over the head with an obvious stick?! Haha I'm totally in stupid "boy crazy" mode anyway. Whatevs. I'll live
4. Awesomeness ensues in the coming weeks. No I'm not telling you about any of it except that Monty Are I's cd comes out AUGUST 1ST and you can preorder it at interpunk or newbury comics.
5. I went shopping yesterday, terrible capitalist that I am, but I totaly made out like a geeky/pervy/goth winner. Haha.
The Sandman Papers
I'm still squealing over this. A collection of critical essays on the sandman? Hello! *humps book* Also even the back cover is dope, look at the barcode.
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
I'm really excited about having this book. Despite his penchant for . . . I don't know, overdoing it maybe? And also sort of gendering the hero (while I don't necessarily mind this, it's kind of a pet peeve). Still fucking yeah! Critical essays make me 50 kinds of excited.
Burlesque/Fetish and the Art of the Teese
Which I have already finished and absolutely love, though I am slightly critical of her aesthetic. It's not bad, it's just not necessarily for me. At any rate, I would love to write a semi-critical response/personal essay type thing for it. It could happen.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
I decided to indulge myself and buy the actual dvd even though I did ask for a burned copy. This became a sort of quest though, because store after store didn't have any in stock, even Newbury Comics! Thankfully I found it, and consequently did a happy dance.
Oh and in closing, I've been eating watermelon lately (due the to heat) which is extra funny to a select few people but mostly it's funny because y'know, someone could totally have messy watermelon kisses. If there was anyone I wanted to give them to, haha.

messy watermelon kisses (for reals),
Perdita's Peculiar Particular: I have a tendency to count steps. It started on a school trip to Italy because I wasn't feeling well for part of it, and I would get dizzy. Some of the stairs we would walk up/down (in ruins and such) were steep or not very good, so I would count them as a way to focus and make sure I didn't fall. When I took Japanese in . . . 03/04, this evolved into a way to practice counting in japanese, which, by the way, has one of the simplest counting systems EVER. Not including the different counter suffixes (for people/certain types of obejcts/etc.), but it's basically 1-10, and then for 11-19 it's 10-1, 10-2, etc. For 20, it would be 2-10, 21 is 2-10-1. SO SIMPLE!! I love it. So yeah I still count steps, even though I have no reason too; it's not a compulsion I think, I just sort of do it.
I doubt it will make the film better, but it's an interesting experiment. Also, I wrote something for the newswire about it months back, and there was a quote from Burton saying that 3d was ideal because he wished to convey what it was like seeing the TNBC's tiny sets in person. Apparently people who've only seen the film dozens of times don't really get that the models themselves were three dimensional or how awesome that is.
Seeing it in an IMAX theater would probably be amazing.