excellent homework!
talk about my first job is wonderful, because thanks to this work was that I decided to study the communication race.
I was 17, studying high school and then came to my hometown called a radio station Exa, famous in several countries, I was just a crazy girl who knew nothing, but she loved to be outgoing and talk people and being the center of attention.
It so happened that I met one of the speakers and we became close friends, so thanks to him, gradually between the station, first helped make links from the mobile station, I liked the treatment of people, all They approached us as if we were celebrities, I think that was what really won me over.
suddenly, I had a program at my expense, I could entertain people daily for an hour, and talk about what I wanted. believe me, the people who are behind a microphone, have much power.
From that moment changed my idea of law school, and I fell in love communication.
after that job in radio, I went to work in television, and then to a newspaper. So as you may realize, really did well to choose that, I think that my path was forged because that first job, which will always remember fondly!
That is a GREAT first job!