this task is the first, but had not had a chance to write about this, I thank you for giving us @rambo and @missy such interesting topics.
Since I was very small I always knew that I would have tattoos, is something that struck me much, and when I met the suicide girls knew this was the right place to be able to show who I really was.
in the town where I live people are very conservative and old-fashioned still have closed minds and not everyone accepts the "different" people or looking distinguished and think outside the box of what "normal".
therefore see the fact that the suicide girls had a lot of people in a kind of altar, at least in some circles, I decided I wanted to join, at first I was a little afraid and ashamed, by the fact are naked, but I gradually adjusting to the idea that is totally natural, and that people who are part of this community does not see it as an erotica site more, but as a place in which each of the models shown, not only sensual way, but revealing their real way of being and thinking.
I should add too, that when I started to follow some of the models of the product as they are @radeo, @kemper or @chad ... was when i take the decision, as I greatly admire not only be beautiful, but so are as people both inside and outside of the page.