Little update I guess.
(Spoilered for boring disability crap)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
My off work order (short term disability) has been extended until Jan 3. I'm super happy about it. The only thing is with FMLA you only get 12 weeks, so at that point I will have used all of it. That means if I get extended any further I'll lose my job and my insurance. I'm more worried about the insurance part being that I'll be almost 8 months pregnant at that point. I've begun the process of applying for Medi-Cal and food stamps and hopefully everything will work out with that. I've also applied for SSI which apparently takes 4 months before you get an answer (and the answer might be no and then you have to appeal and god knows how long that will take). So, I'm not expecting to hear back from them until around Feb/March.
I called SDI today because I filed an extension to continue my claim and I wanted to see if they could send a check faster than 10 working days (roughly 3 weeks from now) because I'm pregnant and flat broke. I'm gonna run out of food soon and gas even sooner. I was soooo shocked at how horrible the workers are to you. I was hung up on TWICE and called an idiot! Fun stuff. I finally got through to someone who seemed like she was going to help me out. She said she would take care of it and give me a call back by the end of the workday, but she hasn't called. hmmm. being that im broke my phone has been turned off so I have no way to call and check on my claim until I can borrow someones phone. :/
Besides the disability stuff, the boy and I are still together. We're doing alright. He's pretty much living here (he doesn't have all his stuff here but he never goes "home") and I'm on the fence really about it. I like having him here because he does help me as far as cooking and cleaning and generally keeping me happy with what he can - but sometimes I want my space or I get annoyed with him. But I guess the good out-weighs the bad and at least he's willing to put up with my increased craziness. As we speak he's downstairs making me ramen just the way I like it. Its like the best ramen ever with eggs and vegetables. I think I really love that douche.
I always thought it would feel different but sometimes I catch myself looking at him and I just KNOW. ya know?
I've started getting hand me downs from friends and I'm really happy about it. Lots of others are telling me they have stuff for me. I haven't bought anything yet. I'm waiting until after the shower to really start. SPEAKING of the shower - i'm excited! The theme is flower child/tie dye.
Pix of baby shower ideassss
Its not until Feb but i'm starting to plan it out already mostly because I have nothing else to do.
I really hope everything works out with your disability and your insurance.
Those cakes and what not look fabulous. When the date gets closer you will have to send me your address so I can send you a little something something.