So as of 2 years ago I stopped talking to my parents. Long story short they were the nightmare I escaped from. Anyway, I was doing perfectly fine without them until a couple of months ago. I've been so depressed and I hate it! I don't know if it is cause it's close to the holidays and it is just hitting me harder or what but I need a companion (a good friend) that can take this away cause my husband just doesn't understand what I'm going through. Any who that is a little of what's been going on in the life of Pepper. Thanks for listening love you babes
Family drama can really have a negative affect on you, especially during the holidays. I can relate. Hang in there! These feelings will pass in time. Peace, love, & happiness
I understand how you feel. I have not spoken to my mother or her side of the family in 5 years. They were toxic and were bringing me down in their toxicity. Stay strong beautiful