Sorry about the shameless display of self pity yesterday, You would have to live here to totally understand where I am coming from. But that is still not a good excuse. it looks like I have lost my job. And obviously that is not a good thing. I have to work tonite at the bar for the Jackle show (great) but at least it is something to keep me busy. I am normally not a negative depressed person but the last two years for me have been filled with alot of doom and gloom that was beyond my control. Too many deaths of friends, to much heartache and ending of relationships, Too many hard ass days and lonely sleepless nights. But I think think (I hope) that I am finally turnig a corner. I have been through too much in my life to give up now. So I hope those of you who actually read my ramblings will not hold my pissing and moaning against me, for it is not what I am about. And those of you who have been supportive and understanding, I thank you. Tomarrow is another day and the time has come for me to turn things around.

Never hold the pissing and moaning against you. We all go through hard times. Fate really seems to enjoy kicking us in the ribs when we're down. But I say, if he tries it one more time, get homicidal on his ass!!

cheer up hon.