God I feel like an ass for all my whining, I should be in Iraq. weather you agree with the war or not. there are people there that need more help and support than you and I could ever imagine. please think about what they are going through before you complain about your insignificant problems in your cushy world. It might put things a little more in perspective, It did for me. I really try to not be political when it comes to strangers and new found friends, but as a soldier(once a soldier always a soldier) I realize that the freedom that we have is so taken for granted, And if you do not know that freedom is never free you need to take a long look at how and why you all are able to live the way you live!
that is probably the one and only lecture you will hear from me, so please don't get an attitude
that is probably the one and only lecture you will hear from me, so please don't get an attitude
I have a thing on my wall that says "Freedom Isn't Free." It's right above my headboard.
Yeah, it's easy to forget how good you actually have it, in the grand scheme of things.