Hello all, what a fucking wonderful day it is. Just got my itinerary for the job in Philly, Bastards! put me on night shift. Thats 7PM to 7AM fuck! that means no night life, no dinner, no cocktails and working with the shittiest crew in my company! Thats why they are moving me, cos those assholes need help, and although I am used to staying up all night it still is going to kick my ass. flying out of Deetroit Sun night and I haven't flown for quite some time (I love airport bars, but then again I love all bars) anyway monyanna I finally get paid, YAY! it will be straight 2 the atm 4 me then shopping and bills, Boo. I am going to buy a mp3 player cos I can't handle going out of town 2 work and not having my music, Dont know much about them( any suggestions? ) and as you can see I figured out how 2 post journal pics. Woo Hoo, I r th smrt. also puts some pics in my folders (for anyone who is interested)
"I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables". ~Chapter 19, Tyler Durden (Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club)
"I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables". ~Chapter 19, Tyler Durden (Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club)
thanks for the testamonial
I love Fight Club!