I went through the Ex Box today. Yes, THAT Ex Box. Pictures, letters, a mix tape, poems, you get the idea. But instead of feeling sad or nostalgic for those periods of time, or feeling like an asshole for how I behaved then (which is the usual...), I felt with each picture I saw and word I read a connection to that person that has not been severed. Not that I want to stalk anyone, or even try to reenforce a friendship, because that's not the idea. It was more just visiting the comfort of that person, or remembering something funny that reminded me how great she was, as a human being, and then being totally washed over with a sense of contentment. How often do you get to feel grateful for the opportunity to have known someone in a way that no one else really will? Today I felt that profound thankfulness as I looked through that box. For some reason, and I don't care what it is, I really am feelin the love today.
It's such a beautiful world, people. Hopefully you're not focused on the ugly, because there is so much more to see.
It's such a beautiful world, people. Hopefully you're not focused on the ugly, because there is so much more to see.