oh my god oh my god i'm gonna puke. i went to BJs tonight with my boy and two of my friends and i ordered a chili cheese angus burger and fries. i only ate about half of my dinner, but even that was a huge amount and now i'm paying for consuming that disgusting mess. i am so so nauseous. it feels like i've...
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my 'free make-up kit gift with purchase' is used. USED. scags.
OH, GROSS. Isn't that some kind of illegal?
That don't seem right... it seems all sorts of wrong even
RumplestiltsRin, as promised these are all of my (not so) secret super cheap clothing under $20 links. Most of these are in juniors sizes, but since you're mainly looking for dresses anyway AND since you're teensytiny, you'll have no trouble finding clothes that fit you properly.

FIRST UP, Heavenly Couture. Everything (except jeans) is $17.95 or less. EVERYTHING. Lots of basic...
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Very pretty!
oh man THANK YOU
i wanted to go to Numbers SO BAD tonight but i had no one to go with. how freaking lame. i hate when i have nothing to do. mad
You need my phone number! Isn't numbers a gay dance club? HOLLA
YES, please send me that site! That would be so amazing. I am a dress fiend these days.
Those are stylin' I think I'm gonna go run out and grab me a pair tongue

Oh and since I forget to say this in my comment above (The Hammer .gif distracted me), thanks for the comment biggrin Can use all the good vibes I can get. Although I am a tad interested in what your original reply was going to be wink I always end up writing and deleting stuff...Kind of nice to know that I'm not the only one lol...
i've never written how i feel about this. this won't really explain, but it's the best i can do in my current state of mind.

in august of 2004, my friend higgy killed himself. when i got the phone call, i dropped the phone and started screaming. i'll never forget that. my best friend called to tell me the news and she sounded so odd....
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I think the best thing you could do to honour your friend's memory is to volunteer for the hopeline. I really hope you go through with it. Giving to others in a way like that is so important.<3
Thanks for the comments and well wishes. It was great getting to meet you at the picnic! And I second Rin's comment, I think volunteering is a very good idea.
i don't know why, but it surprises me to see that so many SGs (even active ones) model for other sites.
REALLY? I am so far behind on this dirt. I don't know why that surprises me, but I thought you'd get archived for that!!
u can model for sg and other sites, just as long as it is not a "competing site". although i dont know what a competing site would be, but Amina ,vanessa ,dorsal i believe model for other sites also, sg is not the end all be all of modeling lol smile alot of the girls here do different modeling jobs smile thats awesome
i really didn't want to exercise today (im lazy) but i decided to force myself to do SOMETHING. today i chose to do the Namaste Yoga program that was on FitTV. i think i kind of love this channel. yoga kicks my ass since i'm the least flexible person ever and i'm really weak. i feel really amazing right now (yay endorphins!)

my muscles feel...
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I love how yoga makes you gradually more flexible. It's such a nice feeling!
i will one day meditate. or do yoga.
i worked out today for the first time in ages. i did aerobics with some chick on FitTV for exactly 10 minutes. i know that it's pathetic that i only worked out for 10 minutes, but i'm proud of myself for getting off my couch and doing it. i even kept my heart rate up through the commercials by repeating the steps until the terrifyingly...
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Hey, thanks for the props. Hopefully your friends won't be too turned off by my Sex and the Workplace blog that's going up later. blush It's pretty text heavy.
Hey, 10 mins is a whole lot more than I worked out today, so good for you!!
i love to sing-a
about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a
i love to sing-a

for those who don't know, i love to sing. i've been singing for as long as i can remember. before american idol there was a show called Star Search. i dreamed of going on that show and i ranked my talent against the competitors. what i didn't realize...
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I love you more than meat loves salt!!!

Thanks for the link. I e-mailed my dad though, and he was pretty sure we still have my old one in storage.

Also, don't fear the spiders. If you are good to them, they will be good to you. biggrin
P.S. When I was a kid, I didn't realize how naughty "Toxic Love" sounded. But I also didn't know who Tim Curry was. Maybe that makes a difference.