i have been craving fruit, especially citrus, like crazy lately. i just can't get enough. limeade, orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries, pomegranate, cranberry, more more more. anything tart and juicy.

don't those look amazing? i told jason i must have scurvy or something! when i get thirsty, water doesn't cut it. i need the citrus. i've actually been constantly thirsty lately. i drink until i'm sloshy and i'm still thirsty! the only thing that takes away the thirst so far is this:

what's wrong with me?
also lately meat has seemed pretty repugnant. pork always grosses me out (except for bacon and pepperoni), but now beef is nauseating. even chicken isn't looking so hot. fish is still appealing so i'm not sure what that's all about.
edit: actually i just realized i lied about the meat. most meat has seemed gross, but salty, processed crap like summer sausage, cheese, and crackers has been something i've wanted badly. salt and citrus, citrus and salt. it's ridiculous. i'm thinking now is the time to go back to faux-vegetarianism (ovo-lacto-fish(non shellfish). i've been an everything eater for the better part of this year and i think i'm ready to be done with it again.
you know, i think i like this new sgfeed thing now that i've gotten used to it and formatted it like i want. it makes it way easier to comment on blogs so i'm not nearly as lazy about it lately!

don't those look amazing? i told jason i must have scurvy or something! when i get thirsty, water doesn't cut it. i need the citrus. i've actually been constantly thirsty lately. i drink until i'm sloshy and i'm still thirsty! the only thing that takes away the thirst so far is this:

what's wrong with me?

also lately meat has seemed pretty repugnant. pork always grosses me out (except for bacon and pepperoni), but now beef is nauseating. even chicken isn't looking so hot. fish is still appealing so i'm not sure what that's all about.
edit: actually i just realized i lied about the meat. most meat has seemed gross, but salty, processed crap like summer sausage, cheese, and crackers has been something i've wanted badly. salt and citrus, citrus and salt. it's ridiculous. i'm thinking now is the time to go back to faux-vegetarianism (ovo-lacto-fish(non shellfish). i've been an everything eater for the better part of this year and i think i'm ready to be done with it again.
you know, i think i like this new sgfeed thing now that i've gotten used to it and formatted it like i want. it makes it way easier to comment on blogs so i'm not nearly as lazy about it lately!
It's what growing up on Motley Crue, Quiet Riot, Poison, Guns N Roses and so forth will do to a child's brain 

Mmmm.... me hung-gee!