So it's Valentine's Day (i haven't gone to bed yet, so i say it's still the 14th) and i worked until midnight.
my boyfriend came down with something today, so i spent my night taking care of him instead of hanging out at the elementary school-style valentine exchange my friends and i planned. 
Jason and I probably won't go on our date tomorrow because he feels so bad. No big deal though. I'd rather chill at home.
The thread i made to gain a few friends worked WAY better than expected. i've added so many coooool people so fast, it's hard to keep up.
I'm still as tired as i was yesterday. Thankfully Wednesday and Thursday are my days off.
oxfordboy, can i still come sleep with you?

The thread i made to gain a few friends worked WAY better than expected. i've added so many coooool people so fast, it's hard to keep up.
I'm still as tired as i was yesterday. Thankfully Wednesday and Thursday are my days off.
oxfordboy, can i still come sleep with you?

Being sick sucks! Hope he feels better soon!
well i'm sure with your love and nurturing he'll recover soon. just tell him he can't kiss you until he's better. he'll recover in no time.