Well here's the blog that I promised.
So 2024 has been a hell of a year and its only just Aug. Firstly I unexpectedly lost of my mum at the start of March. She went into hospital with a bout of Pneumonia, and her heart just couldn't take it. And I'm still angry at myself because, I was with her until 11am that Saturday morning. and I left to go see some friends. On route about half way, I get a call from the hospital to say come back. Took me half an hour to get back. and by the time I did, she was already gone. When the doctor told me, my legs pretty much just came out under me. almost fell to the floor. Then about 10min later, my sister made it from work and she was broken. She still is. it has hit her like a tonne of bricks. I've mostly buried the emotions, not gonna lie.
As I was living with my mum, I then stayed with my sister and the kids. But was spending the time trying to find a place to live, to no vale. At the end of July, her lease was up so we've had to look for a new place. and we managed to find a 4 bed place. So after 2 years of 'homelessness'/sleeping on a floor, I actually finally have a bedroom to myself. Just need to get my furniture out of storage finally and set things up.
Then at the start of April, we had to put our cat Angel down. She was pretty sick. When my sis took her to the vet, we found out she was riddled with cancer. So had to make the hard decision to get her put down. So that was a second death and kick in the gut. She was a couple months shy of 16.
Finally, my mental health has been pretty bad. As you can imagine. But I started seeing a new doctor, as my usual one is on the brink of retiring and doesn't seem to have the best or current views on Mental Health. My new one is quite young and seems more knowledgeable. First thing she did was change my meds and done a full work up on my health in general. Which annoyingly has brought up HBP, so now on a medication for that. But I am also now talking fortnightly with a counsellor, and today was my first day with an Exercise Physiologist to try and help me with exercise and weight while compensating with my spinal injuries from 2020.
so yeah. mixed bag of a year, hard lows with some steps in the right direction.