Stop that immediately. I demand it. Your direction-giving skills are horrible. Why you persist with that ritual in the age of portable computing and mapping websites that use satellites to test accuracy is beyond me. Give me the address.
You don't know the address. Brilliant. Tell me the nearest cross-street. No, honest, there is no need to spout arcane directions. STOP! Look, I'm not even writing them down! I'll MapQuest it. I'll Google it. I'll Yahoo-map it. Just PLEASE SHUT UP.
No, I doubt very much that those sites will take me in "the back way." With few exceptions, these sites are known to plot the most direct route between two points. And I'm hardly convinced that your way is faster; you've never had access to a terrestrial-imaging satellite.
Know what? Screw it. Your oily sex party can just go on without me.
You don't know the address. Brilliant. Tell me the nearest cross-street. No, honest, there is no need to spout arcane directions. STOP! Look, I'm not even writing them down! I'll MapQuest it. I'll Google it. I'll Yahoo-map it. Just PLEASE SHUT UP.
No, I doubt very much that those sites will take me in "the back way." With few exceptions, these sites are known to plot the most direct route between two points. And I'm hardly convinced that your way is faster; you've never had access to a terrestrial-imaging satellite.
Know what? Screw it. Your oily sex party can just go on without me.
This attitude is what has given me the reputation of always showing up late.
I find that guns and rednecks are rarely a good combination.