lowcloud said:
You are an angry boy too? Fight Club (the movie) is in order, my friend. Just make sure watch it to the very end when The Pixies come on so it can calm you down, otherwise you're bound to blow something up.
Alright, smart ass! Come here and I'll.... I'm just kidding. I just rented Thin Red Line and it calmed me down. Or, not calmed.... what's the other one? Oh yeah, "put me to sleep." It put me to sleep. Same difference, I guess.
Also, Brad Pitt movies are like Big Macs for me; I can only watch one or two a month, and they just don't sit well for the next week or so. And I watched Twelve Monkeys on Sunday, so fight club is right out. Movie or otherwise.
Random tip: don't ever let anyone sell you an ergonomically correct shovel.
That was directed at the Poopsmith.
You know that one lady-friend that every guy has that currently has a boyfriend, and we would never make a move because it wouldn't be right, but if that boyfriend ever fucked off we'd be right there to take his place? Is there a name for that situation?
I'm still waiting for my electro-shock smiley.
You are an angry boy too? Fight Club (the movie) is in order, my friend. Just make sure watch it to the very end when The Pixies come on so it can calm you down, otherwise you're bound to blow something up.
Alright, smart ass! Come here and I'll.... I'm just kidding. I just rented Thin Red Line and it calmed me down. Or, not calmed.... what's the other one? Oh yeah, "put me to sleep." It put me to sleep. Same difference, I guess.
Also, Brad Pitt movies are like Big Macs for me; I can only watch one or two a month, and they just don't sit well for the next week or so. And I watched Twelve Monkeys on Sunday, so fight club is right out. Movie or otherwise.
Random tip: don't ever let anyone sell you an ergonomically correct shovel.
That was directed at the Poopsmith.
You know that one lady-friend that every guy has that currently has a boyfriend, and we would never make a move because it wouldn't be right, but if that boyfriend ever fucked off we'd be right there to take his place? Is there a name for that situation?
I'm still waiting for my electro-shock smiley.
i dont know how to name that situation. i call it a shitty one. i hate that scenario. and it gets me in trouble.
id also like to note that i dont like ergonomically correct anything..its doesnt seem very ergonomic to me to hold things that claim this title. always uncomfortable.