So, that last blog was all about how my sister needs to move out.
Well, Mikey just asked me if I want to move to Wyoming.
I don't know. Maybe. His mom and step-dad live out there. Nancy (his mama) says the college-Sheridan- is big into renewable energy and agriculture. Just what I'm looking for.
I think it would be worth a try. I know we'll both miss our friends like mad. We love them all, and we will never have friends like we had growing up. But, we can't make it around here. Its too hard to get anything saved up, and education/career oppurtunities in Michigan (Northern Michigan, at that) are lacking.
I told Mikey I could probably be ready to get out of here about the middle of June.
I don't know. I've moved away before, and I loved it. Mike said we would probably live with his mom and stepdad until we get on our feet.
That would be interesting.
I like his mom and Scott seems nice as well. I don't know how well they would take to me. I'm pretty sure I'm not the type any mama wants their favorite baby boy with. I think I could pull us through though. I make a lot more money then him, and I can save. We'll just see what happens.
Well, Mikey just asked me if I want to move to Wyoming.

I think it would be worth a try. I know we'll both miss our friends like mad. We love them all, and we will never have friends like we had growing up. But, we can't make it around here. Its too hard to get anything saved up, and education/career oppurtunities in Michigan (Northern Michigan, at that) are lacking.
I told Mikey I could probably be ready to get out of here about the middle of June.
I don't know. I've moved away before, and I loved it. Mike said we would probably live with his mom and stepdad until we get on our feet.

Tough decisions ahead for you huh? Does it feel like its "time to move on".....Some bastard once can never come home. I say go for it!