Hey hey hey!!!!
I feel like I'm a teenager living with my mom. I came into the apartment (MY apartment) last night after bowling with five friends. It was about 12:30AM. My sister, who I let move in like two years ago-so she could save up some money and get on her feet, was only supposed to be living with me for a few months- was sleeping. We head to the bathroom because Josh wants to gauge his ears out a little bit more. I closed the door and all that, I'm tring to keep everyone from making too much noise.
My sister walks in the bathroom about 15 minutes after we've been there, I ask her, "You need to pee?" She says, "No." and gives me a dirty look.
It was fun, but she never does anything anymore, always has her boyfriend over (and I hate that fucking bastard, he uses her-part of the reason she doesn't have any money and is working two jobs- cheats on her, and treats her like shit). Complains that I threw her chips out, but helps herself to Mike's Oreos, Mac and Cheese, cerial, salad, smoothie I made for Mike because he got his tooth pulled. I go buy Jack Daniels, Absolute, good wine and alcohal....she drinks so much of it, and buys pucker, which she gets mad about if I drink some. Doesn't like Mike because he finished off the Mudslide (and there was a lot, but it wasn't hers, she didn't buy it. Only got mad because she wantted it to herself).
I can't stand living with her anymore. We used to be like best friends, but now she doesn't do a damn thing and critisizes every fucking thing I do. She gets mad if I do anything, and I can't have ANYONE over beause she throws fit. Its like I'm 15 and living with my parents, but no, my parents weren't anywhere as bad as she is.
I just want to punch her in the face sometimes. I want her to move out. Her boyfriend makes more money then I do, and she should have some money saved up after over two fucking years now. They need to buy a fucking house and get out of my hair. She doesn't like living with me, and I don't like living with her. Its MY apartment, I don't think I should be the one to move out. She doesn't even like it there, she's sleeping on a fucking futon in the living room. She doesn't like my friends, and doesn't want me to have friends over, ever. I love having people over, I would have friends over every weekend if she wasn't there, and let people say up past 10PM........but she's sleeping in the living room......what can I do?
I can't stand this. It just pisses me off so much.
I feel like I'm a teenager living with my mom. I came into the apartment (MY apartment) last night after bowling with five friends. It was about 12:30AM. My sister, who I let move in like two years ago-so she could save up some money and get on her feet, was only supposed to be living with me for a few months- was sleeping. We head to the bathroom because Josh wants to gauge his ears out a little bit more. I closed the door and all that, I'm tring to keep everyone from making too much noise.
My sister walks in the bathroom about 15 minutes after we've been there, I ask her, "You need to pee?" She says, "No." and gives me a dirty look.

It was fun, but she never does anything anymore, always has her boyfriend over (and I hate that fucking bastard, he uses her-part of the reason she doesn't have any money and is working two jobs- cheats on her, and treats her like shit). Complains that I threw her chips out, but helps herself to Mike's Oreos, Mac and Cheese, cerial, salad, smoothie I made for Mike because he got his tooth pulled. I go buy Jack Daniels, Absolute, good wine and alcohal....she drinks so much of it, and buys pucker, which she gets mad about if I drink some. Doesn't like Mike because he finished off the Mudslide (and there was a lot, but it wasn't hers, she didn't buy it. Only got mad because she wantted it to herself).
I can't stand living with her anymore. We used to be like best friends, but now she doesn't do a damn thing and critisizes every fucking thing I do. She gets mad if I do anything, and I can't have ANYONE over beause she throws fit. Its like I'm 15 and living with my parents, but no, my parents weren't anywhere as bad as she is.

I just want to punch her in the face sometimes. I want her to move out. Her boyfriend makes more money then I do, and she should have some money saved up after over two fucking years now. They need to buy a fucking house and get out of my hair. She doesn't like living with me, and I don't like living with her. Its MY apartment, I don't think I should be the one to move out. She doesn't even like it there, she's sleeping on a fucking futon in the living room. She doesn't like my friends, and doesn't want me to have friends over, ever. I love having people over, I would have friends over every weekend if she wasn't there, and let people say up past 10PM........but she's sleeping in the living room......what can I do?