PHILOSOPHY: I've been searching for "God" my entire life without ever finding "Him". My search may go on, but I'm still an Atheist/Buddhist. I believe in living life as a good person, and living it in the moment. I also believe that happiness comes from within. I don't care what you think your God told you. If I'm not hurting anyone, or anything for that...
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THE ARTS: Obviously this category is a bit broad. That's because I love "The Arts" as a whole. Art, in any form, has the power to speak to our minds directly through our emotions. It's a language of the subconscious. People often forget what's deep inside of them, or never notice it at all. Art helps them to see it. My favorite form of art...
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I am afraid of clowns too!!! I dont watch that video tho.. I just like the song!
I havent been out in I had surgery and couldnt leave so a night out flirting and drinking was just what I needed to mend a broken heart.
Art. sigh. Art is my passion. I am not an artist in anyway.. but I can sit and look at a painting for hours...
I wish NM had better art. its all southwesterny (MY word! ) and bleh. I GUESS to ppl on the east coast its beautiful.. but man.. I LIVE here and if ya have seen one damn picture with a clay pot ya have seen em all!
I havent been out in I had surgery and couldnt leave so a night out flirting and drinking was just what I needed to mend a broken heart.
Art. sigh. Art is my passion. I am not an artist in anyway.. but I can sit and look at a painting for hours...
I wish NM had better art. its all southwesterny (MY word! ) and bleh. I GUESS to ppl on the east coast its beautiful.. but man.. I LIVE here and if ya have seen one damn picture with a clay pot ya have seen em all!
Hi. Thanks for the request. You know your blog is so true. I really think it's a Pisces thing. Most of us are extremely creative and tend to see the light and dark in all things that many people don't. Maybe that is a part of our sensitivity. Not sure.
Anyway, don't want to take this comment away from you but I couldn't help notice Gyllien's comment about being afraid of clowns, OMG! I hate clowns. Everytime I see a clown I have this incredible urge to pop him right in the nose or in the gut. Everytime I think of clowns the jack in the box music plays in my head and scares the hell out of me. Why do we hate clowns so much?
Sorry mr pennyliess... I just had to interrupt that comment. Hope I didn't come across as being rude.
I myself am an English major. I wanted to become an English professor at a small college. People had asked why not a regular university and my answer is, I want to see all the faces I'm teaching. I want to be able to connect with each of my students and you really cannot do that working for a large college.
Then I get well gee your not going to make a lot of money. To me money is not everything. Yes you need it to survive and to have a life of some sort but I think happiness is much more important.
As I move about in my college career I have been thinking of changing my major to psychology and I would like to minor in history. I have changed my mind so many times. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I do enjoy writing. My favorite authors are
Kate Chopin
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Poe name a few
Sorry for taking over your whole blog post I tend to go on forever
Anyway, don't want to take this comment away from you but I couldn't help notice Gyllien's comment about being afraid of clowns, OMG! I hate clowns. Everytime I see a clown I have this incredible urge to pop him right in the nose or in the gut. Everytime I think of clowns the jack in the box music plays in my head and scares the hell out of me. Why do we hate clowns so much?
Sorry mr pennyliess... I just had to interrupt that comment. Hope I didn't come across as being rude.
I myself am an English major. I wanted to become an English professor at a small college. People had asked why not a regular university and my answer is, I want to see all the faces I'm teaching. I want to be able to connect with each of my students and you really cannot do that working for a large college.
Then I get well gee your not going to make a lot of money. To me money is not everything. Yes you need it to survive and to have a life of some sort but I think happiness is much more important.
As I move about in my college career I have been thinking of changing my major to psychology and I would like to minor in history. I have changed my mind so many times. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I do enjoy writing. My favorite authors are
Kate Chopin
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Poe name a few
Sorry for taking over your whole blog post I tend to go on forever
ENGLISH/WRITING: Words have changed the perspectives of entire nations. Words have inspired the vengeful to lay down their weapons. And words have also driven people to a level of such insanity, they would even harm or kill their own families. Words are powerful things when used by those who take the time to understand them. With hard work, and hopefully a little natural ability, maybe...
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I noticed you didnt have many friends... so I sent ya a request.
Tucson huh? I almost moved there. Its a long heartbreaking story tho... that JUST happened a few weeks ago so am not ready to go into it... but I will be going to Phoenix to visit in a couple of months..
And this is a beautiful blog. SO many people dont realize how much words can hurt. I am not very eloquent... and often wish I could express myself better on paper... but I am a vocal person.
Tucson huh? I almost moved there. Its a long heartbreaking story tho... that JUST happened a few weeks ago so am not ready to go into it... but I will be going to Phoenix to visit in a couple of months..
And this is a beautiful blog. SO many people dont realize how much words can hurt. I am not very eloquent... and often wish I could express myself better on paper... but I am a vocal person.
EDUCATION: I strongly believe in the old phrase, "Knowledge is power." Education and knowledge give us power over the ignorant and the apathetic. It allows us to move forward and past those with mediocre minds that attempt to defy us with their pseudo morals and closed perspectives. These people unknowingly set humanity back in our progress to a higher existence. We, as human beings, must...
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NATURE: Mother Earth was here long before any of us. She nurtured the smallest, simplest, forms of life for billions of years. Earth held and sustained this life long enough for it to evolve into the life-forms known as Homo Sapiens. Despite our destructive nature as a species, Mother Earth continues to give us her warmth and life. The air you're breathing right this second...
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I also have many questions myself regarding higher-beings and religions. Here's my personnal philosophy.
I do believe in a higher-being or a higher-purpose. I don't believe in the old archaic "sacrifice a child for me" type of gods, but I believe that this universe is no coincidence, I refuse to believe that. I don't believe religion was god-made, I believe it was man-made. I believe wise people developed them to civilize people so that they could live as a society and flourish. They implemented basic principles into human social life so that people wouldn't screw each other over, like don't kill, don't steal, help a person, they'll help back sort of thing. It's not a shock that most religions share similar basic values. It's all the voodoo hoodoo I don't believe in though, like following things for the sake of tradition, the sorts of things that lead most religious types into fanaticism and martyrdom.
I fall into the agnostic category. Without religion, but believes in higher power.
I personally believe in living righteously, with a sense of justice, selflessness and selfishness all at once. You must be aware of others and their actions/needs/desires, but you must take care of your own as well.
I do have a strange affinity for astrology though (I came across you in the pisces group, haha).
I lost my train of thought so I'll end here. Hope this helps.