I haven't made the time lately to post anything new and exciting. I think it is due in small part to the fact that my normally sedentary lifestyle has taken a change for the better, and I've been so caught up in all the changes that time has been speeding right past me. I'm sure not a lot of people actually read my "blogs" but I'm starting to realize that writing something, nay, ANYTHING about my life as it goes along is, while not terribly interesting to anyone else, therapeutic and calming to myself.
So what's new? Well, Since I've been living in Grand Junction I've come to be friends with a bunch of really cool people who have graciously accepted me into their ranks, and made me a member of their family. I, having done little to nothing to earn their friendship and respect, am extremely thankful to have met such a crowd as these.
Anyway, these people, four guys in particular, Ben, Justin, Tyler and Charles, having been fire from their jobs at a local bar, decide to open up their own bar in a practically abandoned dinner theater and lounge building on the main street here. We all had our trepidations about this ambitious project at first, however... (The three dots is called an ellipsis by the way)
... a few months later, here it is- Tenacious Brothers Pub!

And after being open for only two weeks, they are already the best and most popular establishment in town. They packed the place to maximum capacity every weekend so far, and have already payed off a significant portion of their debt from renovating and opening their business.
which leads me to my part in this endeavor. They let me set up a table and peddle all my chain wares anytime I have a desire to do so, which is great, because it gets my work out in the public eye and allows me to make a great deal more money than my website alone. The first Saturday night I set up, I sold my Silver Hexlace (My masterwork) within 15 minutes of being there. I gave the girl that bought it quite a deal, as she is part of the a fore mentioned family and one of the managers at the bar

through the course of the night I also sold a few wallet chains, 2 pairs of earrings and a snowflake pendant. Some of the business cards I handed out must have done their work, because I sold a series of three wallet chains on my website within 24 hours of that night.
All in all, a good pull.
So now they are going to build me a permanent display case (right above the ATM machine)
and it looks like I'm going to start working there, picking up a few shifts a week as a floor man.
Things are beginning to looking up for me I think
So what's new? Well, Since I've been living in Grand Junction I've come to be friends with a bunch of really cool people who have graciously accepted me into their ranks, and made me a member of their family. I, having done little to nothing to earn their friendship and respect, am extremely thankful to have met such a crowd as these.
Anyway, these people, four guys in particular, Ben, Justin, Tyler and Charles, having been fire from their jobs at a local bar, decide to open up their own bar in a practically abandoned dinner theater and lounge building on the main street here. We all had our trepidations about this ambitious project at first, however... (The three dots is called an ellipsis by the way)
... a few months later, here it is- Tenacious Brothers Pub!

And after being open for only two weeks, they are already the best and most popular establishment in town. They packed the place to maximum capacity every weekend so far, and have already payed off a significant portion of their debt from renovating and opening their business.
which leads me to my part in this endeavor. They let me set up a table and peddle all my chain wares anytime I have a desire to do so, which is great, because it gets my work out in the public eye and allows me to make a great deal more money than my website alone. The first Saturday night I set up, I sold my Silver Hexlace (My masterwork) within 15 minutes of being there. I gave the girl that bought it quite a deal, as she is part of the a fore mentioned family and one of the managers at the bar

through the course of the night I also sold a few wallet chains, 2 pairs of earrings and a snowflake pendant. Some of the business cards I handed out must have done their work, because I sold a series of three wallet chains on my website within 24 hours of that night.
All in all, a good pull.
So now they are going to build me a permanent display case (right above the ATM machine)
and it looks like I'm going to start working there, picking up a few shifts a week as a floor man.
Things are beginning to looking up for me I think