Well, Im back for today! I dont know how much time I will have to look around online so sorry if I dont send anyone a comment.
This past weekend was really fun, I was able to see my grandma and go to the zoo, what more could a girl ask for? All I can think of is an oil change well crap; I got one of those too! Uh uh uh!!
Here are some pictures. All this crap is in the storage area of my apt building.

This is me and my hair!

UHm. I don't have anything to say really. I am cleaning up my new place more and more. I really like it.
I would post more but I am in a small room that has no cool air. I can't take it anymore.
xo xo xo
Sto lat, sto lat, niech zyje, zyje nam.
Jeszcze raz, jeszcze raz, niech zyje, zyje nam.
Niech zyje nam!
Good luck, good cheer, may you live a hundred years.
Good luck, good cheer, may you live a hundred years.
Good luck, good cheer, may you live a hundred years.
One hundred years!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Penguinscheme
Happy Birthday to you!