Ok, sorry to post those but I love my pants.
I am freaking sleepy. I wasnt able to go into work today because the guy who was robbing my neighbors house kept me up all night. Yea, some bag was robbing my neighbors house last night while I was trying to sleep, ticked me off. So I take kittyhawke home around 1030ish maybe, then I head back to my house and promptly go to bed. WELL, I woke up when mister robber was trying, in the snow and ice, to pull a motor bike down the driveway. While I peeked out my window he must have fallen fifteen times. I remember laughing. Well, if I would have known someone was robbing the place I would have called the cops but whoever this guy was he looked just like my neighbor. So blah blah blah, the cops show up and make a lot of loud sounds, waking me up again. Its now 1am. So now I have to stand outside telling the cops everything I saw, witch is fine, I like my neighbor so I wanted to help out. Well, I guess because of what I saw they were able to put someone they picked up at the scene.
So, that was my night, at least I dont have to work today. BOO YAA for calling in!
Stupid burglers and all of their noisy burgling.