UGH. I have been cleaning ALL DAY. It's taking forever, I can't stand it! Anywho, last night was really fun, headed up to IGUN and rocked out, got drunk due to taking a shot I never heard of. Never again, on the way to dills I had to make B pull over as I gave a nice, warm hello to the road. But ah well, I got to put on some ass kicking boots that my lovely kittyhawke let me wear. I was able to fit my 2G bolt plugs in, they are doing wonderful!I"m going to try and talk kittyhawke into pluggin' her ears

Well, I need to finish making my house all spiffy.

Chopsticks... hmm... what other interesting thing can you stick through your ear
Have a great New Year's wherever your spending it and don't let the enviable hang-over get ya down
Best wishes
The human brain cannot tell the
difference between a sneeze &
an orgasm. Pass the tissue...
You kiddos should make another trip up to Ann Arbor soon.
Make sure you guys let me know so we can kick it.
Have a safe and happy new years.
Ohio is the reason.