Let me just update my update. Don't rub your eye with the tips of your fingers, your going to scratch yer eye.
Like I just did.
Let me ponder....
Yeah, this is a silly picture:
No, I'm not in pain. I was really happy about a cake I got to eat with Accio. More picture will be posted soon. Maybe some more stickmen as well.
I'm off to eat some more food and maybe play some more WoW while I watch some Kung Foo. I love the Kung.
Like I just did.
Let me ponder....

Yeah, this is a silly picture:

No, I'm not in pain. I was really happy about a cake I got to eat with Accio. More picture will be posted soon. Maybe some more stickmen as well.
I'm off to eat some more food and maybe play some more WoW while I watch some Kung Foo. I love the Kung.
hmmm I don't see any green in any of those pictures so you're getting a *pinch* haha take that! um. I'm hungry. I'm going to go out soon for some yummie food at the veggie house. my plans after that keep getting messed up though. first a band(venue cancelled), then a movie(they took the movie off)..and it's cold out. brrrrrrr. almost done your letter. it is a 2 page (4 if you count the backs) master piece. hopfully I can finish tonight...maybe tomorrow. but sunday at the latest! um...rahhhhhhhh
sweet. you get a letter soon!