Age 20 me Emmy Omega Pixie and JC go driving through the rockies late at night I'm drinking vinilla sky vodka that JC bought in the back seet feeling more and more excitement crisp air on my face riding bitch and more euphoric in hightened scitzophrenia
Blanket of Dreams
By: Jessica Padilla
Darkness set a blaze by a dance of so many swirling light beams
A thousand conversations on the air orchestrated to form one jaggedly echoing symphony
where all life comes together
To the water cool on your skin
Freezing in the air but you Know your skin for the first time
Feeling every inch of it
sending every inch that surrounds you
Hearing excitement
Making unnamable connections
everything imploding and exploding at once
Ultimate understanding
All I can do is talk in metaphores
all you can do is try to put my thoughts into literal understanding
You are my translator
My compass
I lost you
Yet in this world of chaos I know it is ok
so I dance on marching through woods and people and breathing crisp air as for the first time
Time, time seems irrelevant
yet by the lake some one brings me back to it
I start to cry
understanding seems to be full of misunderstandings and false pretense
The ease seems to fall
but you are there
new york
you are there holding me
and it all seems better
there is hope
I look into the lake and I see the stars
I can touch the stars with my hands
They're not that far away
seems to be the perfect metaphor
symbols of dreams and time and rhythms of the earth
Anything is possible
I lost my compass but I can touch the stars
My feet are wet and cold
shivers never seem to stop
we hold each other
still nearly unbearable brisk air tickling every part of my body
Still in the dark quiet
Panic and peace
elements soothed by another
Dawn inches through the trees
crawling over the sky
Swirling colums of vapor rising from the lake and into the air
The stars every last wish sent into the sky
we breath in the humidity
inhaling a new day
like so many
Blanket of Dreams
By: Jessica Padilla
Darkness set a blaze by a dance of so many swirling light beams
A thousand conversations on the air orchestrated to form one jaggedly echoing symphony
where all life comes together
To the water cool on your skin
Freezing in the air but you Know your skin for the first time
Feeling every inch of it
sending every inch that surrounds you
Hearing excitement
Making unnamable connections
everything imploding and exploding at once
Ultimate understanding
All I can do is talk in metaphores
all you can do is try to put my thoughts into literal understanding
You are my translator
My compass
I lost you
Yet in this world of chaos I know it is ok
so I dance on marching through woods and people and breathing crisp air as for the first time
Time, time seems irrelevant
yet by the lake some one brings me back to it
I start to cry
understanding seems to be full of misunderstandings and false pretense
The ease seems to fall
but you are there
new york
you are there holding me
and it all seems better
there is hope
I look into the lake and I see the stars
I can touch the stars with my hands
They're not that far away
seems to be the perfect metaphor
symbols of dreams and time and rhythms of the earth
Anything is possible
I lost my compass but I can touch the stars
My feet are wet and cold
shivers never seem to stop
we hold each other
still nearly unbearable brisk air tickling every part of my body
Still in the dark quiet
Panic and peace
elements soothed by another
Dawn inches through the trees
crawling over the sky
Swirling colums of vapor rising from the lake and into the air
The stars every last wish sent into the sky
we breath in the humidity
inhaling a new day
like so many