First couple pages written on 7/27/08 out of aprox76 pgs of memories Aftermath:freedom in ashes
I take a breath and breath out years and years of anonimous mail thats never been sent. One night of expected elation just another disapointment of disorientation. I need this like I need the rain to wash my sins away, and I never belived in sin. I've tried so hard to keep falling down that it doesn't hurt any more. My pain is only purging and puking up my happy memories of you. I find myself on some distant planet, surounded by charming voices who have no faces, but they have more soul than I have in my fingertips as I write this. I miss you. I miss you like the cold glass due sliding down my finger tips on a winters morning. Its summer again and we have a common destination , but I will never get there at this rate, and you will keep moving through time until you find your self in another country with your wife and kids. I will always wish for some one to show me the understanding that you let poor from your eyes and into my thirsty pustulating throat. This is nothing more than another shattered poem of empty voids that fill my bein. I've waited for you my whole life knowing you would never show up. Maybe this stems from a dead beat semen filled origin. "Welcome to California, San Bernadino County Line" Stands over us as you stare into the lost light of shadowless mamories. This is not just about any one of you or even about where it will take me. These slimy words fufill the cracks in my nail beds. All I need now is a nother shot of acid rain and ten more reasons to kill myself. This is the end but I will never forget, and I will never stop holding you close to my head.
Fuck off forever I can't fear this loss
I made a series of emty folders to put all my dreams in and now my computer is tourturing my sould cuyz I wasnt to send my reflextions of my clones that are perfectly syncronistic with all my randome bullshit and communication to my world and everything I conect with including my computer and I can't find my fuckin gfolder
I can't even figer out hoiw to open an untitled folder and put all my stupid ass toast trash inside
ICP I love your trash
Euro trash platy I love your trash your the most sell out of hacker wines
brroks brown you are trash
but your book is even trashyer
god damit where is the colfax hooker trash folder on my fucking computer
\I do not compute
God I hate comunist
fuck you Ayn rand I want to be a dieing kara in the snow I would love to be an opressed genus architect who died in the snow alowne knowing her true freedom and feeling warmth in the freeezing cold knowing the comfoprting warmth of my own blood
]China make ua communists all the fuk ready so I can die in a snowboarding acident stuck on a tree trieing to escape the aspen of opression and the sell ouot town its in
I could die ontop of snow on top of a tree feeling my own blood and knowing what its like to have pineneedles poking my bloody cold waming boddy maybe the shadow of a tree would feel what it ment to be me#
my computers shadow likes to play with me alone in a room of suburban trail marked roture where all my dreams come true some times there all I have
Litteraly I am a pscitzophrenic bipoler ex ptsd ex depressive who chose not to take any medication and fix myself cuz years of verious combinations did nothing one fixed myhead but made me have acid like grechinfetchin hilucinations and that day I had to drive my godfather hom efrom the hospital after having injections in his back
even though he was doped up on anethtesia and pain killers once i drove him to the post ofice in montbello HE said he was good to drive the next 1000,0000 miles to littleton
I decided I was sick of being sick but once i fixed what was wrong with the pattern of my thoughts
and started talking to people about entropy plasma and string theory
I felt like I could never see my full creation or the full ness of creation itself I was stuck in an illusion that light just dissapeared and that it went to some other vibration I couldn't touch
it made me pray for faith in creation
I wanteed to feel what it would be like to be a expirement gone wrong where I changed its vibration and became a horific part of a hacked up machine if only to touch the other part for just a moment
One day while talking to some of my family while lying on my bed
I saw in the corner of my eye something move from my friend loris picture of her baby sarah in me and my moms arms I was 16 I had a hoody on that said "shut up and climb about a climbing mouse that was too mouses argueing about it " it used to be my moms favorite hoody when I was a young girl and the only time I got to see her while she was going to goerge town law school was when I got to go camping or rock climing or hiking or moutain biking with her and her college friedns
I had a pink feather in my bun and I have no fucking clue where it came from but I do remember it being in my hair all day
My mom now working at a law firlm was wearing a blue suit
lori had tried horrificaly long to get pregnant and have a baby
she had miscaried her son a few weeks before he was to be born years before
Douglas was his name after his father
she would visti his grave and
apearently his father died to because he was never the same to lori after that
but she stood by her husband and kept trieing to start a family
Holding sarah in our arms we really felt the miracel of life
And a couple years later when she had rebeckah she died while giving child birth but she came back now there are two little sisters who's morther is trying to get together what she needs to do what is best for her children
her husband got cancer and now its gone
but she realised that he is something dead to here
slowly I saw something come out of a martofeveryday cabinet that used to be white plywood that had been banished to my basement and I asked my mom if I could adopt it and paint it and put it in my room I painted each panel a different theme but the whole thing was in silver and black
out of the part I had painted that I always felt to be the most symbolic out of a silver paint marker
I saw a creater that looked like a pry matise with two tryangles on the top tryangle sides of its head at first I just let it be cuz I was talking to my grand ma
I take a breath and breath out years and years of anonimous mail thats never been sent. One night of expected elation just another disapointment of disorientation. I need this like I need the rain to wash my sins away, and I never belived in sin. I've tried so hard to keep falling down that it doesn't hurt any more. My pain is only purging and puking up my happy memories of you. I find myself on some distant planet, surounded by charming voices who have no faces, but they have more soul than I have in my fingertips as I write this. I miss you. I miss you like the cold glass due sliding down my finger tips on a winters morning. Its summer again and we have a common destination , but I will never get there at this rate, and you will keep moving through time until you find your self in another country with your wife and kids. I will always wish for some one to show me the understanding that you let poor from your eyes and into my thirsty pustulating throat. This is nothing more than another shattered poem of empty voids that fill my bein. I've waited for you my whole life knowing you would never show up. Maybe this stems from a dead beat semen filled origin. "Welcome to California, San Bernadino County Line" Stands over us as you stare into the lost light of shadowless mamories. This is not just about any one of you or even about where it will take me. These slimy words fufill the cracks in my nail beds. All I need now is a nother shot of acid rain and ten more reasons to kill myself. This is the end but I will never forget, and I will never stop holding you close to my head.
Fuck off forever I can't fear this loss
I made a series of emty folders to put all my dreams in and now my computer is tourturing my sould cuyz I wasnt to send my reflextions of my clones that are perfectly syncronistic with all my randome bullshit and communication to my world and everything I conect with including my computer and I can't find my fuckin gfolder
I can't even figer out hoiw to open an untitled folder and put all my stupid ass toast trash inside
ICP I love your trash
Euro trash platy I love your trash your the most sell out of hacker wines
brroks brown you are trash
but your book is even trashyer
god damit where is the colfax hooker trash folder on my fucking computer
\I do not compute
God I hate comunist
fuck you Ayn rand I want to be a dieing kara in the snow I would love to be an opressed genus architect who died in the snow alowne knowing her true freedom and feeling warmth in the freeezing cold knowing the comfoprting warmth of my own blood
]China make ua communists all the fuk ready so I can die in a snowboarding acident stuck on a tree trieing to escape the aspen of opression and the sell ouot town its in
I could die ontop of snow on top of a tree feeling my own blood and knowing what its like to have pineneedles poking my bloody cold waming boddy maybe the shadow of a tree would feel what it ment to be me#
my computers shadow likes to play with me alone in a room of suburban trail marked roture where all my dreams come true some times there all I have
Litteraly I am a pscitzophrenic bipoler ex ptsd ex depressive who chose not to take any medication and fix myself cuz years of verious combinations did nothing one fixed myhead but made me have acid like grechinfetchin hilucinations and that day I had to drive my godfather hom efrom the hospital after having injections in his back
even though he was doped up on anethtesia and pain killers once i drove him to the post ofice in montbello HE said he was good to drive the next 1000,0000 miles to littleton
I decided I was sick of being sick but once i fixed what was wrong with the pattern of my thoughts
and started talking to people about entropy plasma and string theory
I felt like I could never see my full creation or the full ness of creation itself I was stuck in an illusion that light just dissapeared and that it went to some other vibration I couldn't touch
it made me pray for faith in creation
I wanteed to feel what it would be like to be a expirement gone wrong where I changed its vibration and became a horific part of a hacked up machine if only to touch the other part for just a moment
One day while talking to some of my family while lying on my bed
I saw in the corner of my eye something move from my friend loris picture of her baby sarah in me and my moms arms I was 16 I had a hoody on that said "shut up and climb about a climbing mouse that was too mouses argueing about it " it used to be my moms favorite hoody when I was a young girl and the only time I got to see her while she was going to goerge town law school was when I got to go camping or rock climing or hiking or moutain biking with her and her college friedns
I had a pink feather in my bun and I have no fucking clue where it came from but I do remember it being in my hair all day
My mom now working at a law firlm was wearing a blue suit
lori had tried horrificaly long to get pregnant and have a baby
she had miscaried her son a few weeks before he was to be born years before
Douglas was his name after his father
she would visti his grave and
apearently his father died to because he was never the same to lori after that
but she stood by her husband and kept trieing to start a family
Holding sarah in our arms we really felt the miracel of life
And a couple years later when she had rebeckah she died while giving child birth but she came back now there are two little sisters who's morther is trying to get together what she needs to do what is best for her children
her husband got cancer and now its gone
but she realised that he is something dead to here
slowly I saw something come out of a martofeveryday cabinet that used to be white plywood that had been banished to my basement and I asked my mom if I could adopt it and paint it and put it in my room I painted each panel a different theme but the whole thing was in silver and black
out of the part I had painted that I always felt to be the most symbolic out of a silver paint marker
I saw a creater that looked like a pry matise with two tryangles on the top tryangle sides of its head at first I just let it be cuz I was talking to my grand ma
back to the past
So atempting my first oil painting in the half of the garage that no one parked in and my step greg adn his crew installed temporary walls in walls in my first painting I didn't have any gesso didn't reallythink about it just painted the black part on the white part and teh small amout of gery shadow on the floor ..... I handed in my first painting of the greates art class I was ever in at the time...still wet and touchy being as it was iol paint I turned in the greatest and first oil painting I had ever made my stuffed zebra self....Susan informed me that because i didn't paint the white part in the world of fine art it wouldn't be considered a real painting
I got an A
for aniken
Any ways summer school on zoloft was magnifecent
In my short english classes at an actual high school we read marktwain tath wasn't tom on a boat and we saw white zombie &*** One of us one of us*****I've never seen that one since but I think about it eveery day***I own white zombie I'm not a hypnotized zombie or slave master with a cylo...I am beside myself every day even if no one is around...........I hope I keep living the dream.............
I hope I orment my mind to no end more so that I can decover the sahttered random peices of my own creaations that I don't always intent to make in the first place............I hope I can share that with every one I love
and if it must be I hope some day I will fall off a cliff into the rocky waters of the ocean and truely know mobey dick the boock I've only read a couple random pages out of.............That my romantic friend who knew the jock from 5th grade at st.marys who later became a paraniod schitzo phrenic version of myself and tatooed a star on his head that wasn't a pentagram , that met me and my friend the master of flight who was with us in 5th grade at the ihop we all grew up in as the new best friedn of my best friend I'll ever have in my life Ashley who's called afrodite and wears her family motto started by her little brother ****and tatooed in ink projected by my dark core on my fore head*****"I DO WHAT I WANT"
I didn't recognize luke at first he had a hat on so it was a whil ebefore I even found out he had a star on his forehead but natalie who had gone to school with him up until he was sent to military school after fith grade unlike me who had only been with him for fith grade or maybe part of it.....He didn't recognize natalie my favoite marble head to not fly the friednly skys with how is great to travel with and is living her child hood dream of being a flight attendent............recognised him right away(LUKE BARRET) natalie hoppe from st.marys teh smaller less rich catholic school of torment next to a grave yard which is next to a Mayflour wherehouse tath no one ever really sees anything happening in and very well could be a wear house of zombies...........we knew eachother from the past of a religous torment that really didn't have a very good education adn some how we all found eachother again through Ashley my favorite aphrodite in that moment despite all our disjointed paths we all really beived in one another so we drank cheep coffee and homeless paraniod scizo phreic friend of mostr of the people I've ever known some how and my link to reading monbey dick on a buss adventure across town for 5 hours with the romantic decvon who I built a musical on my computer for that now talks to me who recently introduced me to my sister erin the amish who I dream of making wal-rus-porn with every day and is the reason i will never ever in a thoughsand deciobles clean the puke out of her car witch is on my mom's car's floor that I got the keys taken out of adn piut in my godfather batmans hands as per her request for spamming all her I write the greatest spam that tries not to be propoganda in my life...........the story of my life............
************* *******************
my car
I pray that if my mom ever does open my car whil e I'm not in it she will realise who I really am
some in places unknown thart have yet to be descovered
2 Hot spicey pickle in a bag that I just had to get incase I saw the perfect random person to give it too while buying erin the amish cigareets at the K stop by her house
9a crazy peice of hoes that are bright blue with flowers on them that I got at my families cosrtume store when i foudn the only out fit that looked suitable for the costrume party I went to with my friedn natalie the flight attendant.......a space pornstar metalic biue flightatendant>>>>>>>>natalie went as a cat with a pixy costume tath had a tail>>>>>>>>>>I can't remember if she wore the ears::::::::::::::we got a flat tire on the way to the parking lot that went flat in the parking lot::::::::::Natalie was convinced her tire was flat with no spare ....after phoning for help and told there was none....I decided to see if her trunk had a secret passage to the underground tire inside it like many:::::::::::::::::after taking out a hole shit load of crap from her many tavels::::::::::::::::::::::I feel liek taking a nap but I fear that if I do I will experience the death of teh mosrt beuatiful creation I've ever made up to now...........tath I won't get to share the most beutifl moments of my life with the people i love the most.......adn that they won't ever feel what its like to look into a dark mioor of your own back pool that got connected to you twice and duplicated itself athousand times only to see you adn give you the greatest tickle of chiuldish reflextion that you randomly spamed peopl eabou tdifferent parts of the journy as you decovered the coolest fucking web page ever in your life next to Born twizted beyond teh freek show and the music vedeo I made about the mosrt sarcastic peice of music that was the ultaimate sarcastic joke tath cake from the mountain of a movie he tol dme he thougth could never be articulated into words and Idid it for him adn more so much more that when I stopped talking to him adn making erin the amish laugh ( look maic fucking stalkin gvioces I['m a fuckin gmanic pcitzo phrenic genuis who didn't get to finish her iq test because they put it inside of a fucking apoint ment so whiile I laugh and find alot of beuty and have faith in creation I've never written anytbhing this fucking long in my entire life adn it does mean alot to me......and if I could I woudl like to send it through time and to all ther people I'd hope to touch so yes I'm 23 newly from 1984 birth of the year 7/7.07) and I'm not seseptibley numb to the fear of wattchin g ones own memory of everything they love in life die liek a child of the 4th demention of creation who longs to project the interaction of her own experiences of creation to revery fuck you too Some times I am tormented by the thought of loss...............At the baR THAT nihgt fiddlesticks whirtch was next to jesses house but he said he was about to go to benders whitch was our back to it hang out of most of our kareoke experiances and jumproping to dj nights tahat I never thougth I'd get into two at once but some how I did.........I tol dhim that he should meet me through the back door of the bar that was across the street from his house and he didn't want to meet me ther so having taht day just seen the face of god I joked that it was of historical importance.....we never met up with eacchother but I had teh best time if my life and had faith that when he was ment to see me he would just as I...................after speaking of the moutsin I never got to seee the ending of biut devon said that i not only summed it up to words for him but made him think about things he had never thought before when he himself often srtruggled to make people see what he was thinking of when we finaly foudn silence..........on the deck of the porch in a hole in a wall in the land of the methhead apt complex that is my platyJessies posseland. devon started stroking his cock the peaple on the pourch sharing the moment staarted passing a bowl and not being hungry I decided I'd have another beer battered much room covered with chetter cheeze...................
I hop eI never loose you chedder provolone adn parmasian cheeze..................god I really do need to shoot myself in the head I'm way to fucking sappy........but it would probably just be the mask of light that would fade and not my dark soul.............