oh how i love the kinks. i cannot get enough of ray davies singing about drinking tea and village greens and uptight businessmen with summer homes in the country. i mean, i even like their weirdo rock opera. what the hell is wrong with me?
i have to finish up a 6 page story today, and i only have about 2 pages done. this doesn't sound so bad, but i've got a pretty awful case of writers' block, and that shit hits me hard. it's gotten to the point where i'm doing other things i've been putting off just to avoid working on the story. gah.
on the plus side, one of the characters does use the phrase, "and i just wanted to fucking shit all over them!" which is fun, it think.
i'll probably just end up listening to the kinks all day, and then get shit-faced around 10 PM. oh well.
i have to finish up a 6 page story today, and i only have about 2 pages done. this doesn't sound so bad, but i've got a pretty awful case of writers' block, and that shit hits me hard. it's gotten to the point where i'm doing other things i've been putting off just to avoid working on the story. gah.
on the plus side, one of the characters does use the phrase, "and i just wanted to fucking shit all over them!" which is fun, it think.
i'll probably just end up listening to the kinks all day, and then get shit-faced around 10 PM. oh well.
lucky kid...