Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? It's not as difficult as one might imagine. In fact, I'm almost positive that you have done it. There are however limits to this form of time travel. First, one can absolutely not change what might have happened in the past. Likewise, if one goes forward in time and effs up, there is no going back. Second, depending on location, one could only go up to 23 hours either backward or forward. Also, if one spends too much time in the past, their present would be lost. Yet again, too much time in the future and the present would catch you. Lastly, the biggest limit of all is the limits of your traveling device.
So then, would you like to know the secret of time travel? Simply timezones. ooooooo
So then, would you like to know the secret of time travel? Simply timezones. ooooooo
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