Look, I'm getting fracking tired of this kind of nonsense. If anyone out there has a dog or cat that they don't want any more, for whatever reason, rather than just kick it out the door or abandon it on the street, take FIVE FRACKING MINUTES OF YOUR FRACKING LIFE and contact me or one of my friends who works in animal rescues/adoptions. We will work something out so that your former pet can be picked up, taken someplace safe, cared for and given to someone who is a much better human being than you are.
If I find out that someone I know callously abandons their pet to let it freeze, starve and get attacked by wild/feral animals I will definitely karate chop you in your karma.

If I find out that someone I know callously abandons their pet to let it freeze, starve and get attacked by wild/feral animals I will definitely karate chop you in your karma.

I agree. The more I learn about humans and animals the more I find myself preferring animals.

Most of the animals at the pound deserve another chance. This makes me sad that ppl actually think this is an option. Soooooo glad I got my latest pet from the humane society.