I did in honor of today's date celebrate and consume half of one of my very potent caramels. I do feel very good, fairly upbeat, aware, and calmer than I've been in a while. Not too excess, enough to take off edge, and less than to loose touch with reality. I think especially with the new Proposition 29 created by do-gooders and ex-smokers bound to pass by a landslide for all us caring Californians. People who both smoke cigarettes and marijauna will stop smoking cigarettes and buy more pot. More bang for your buck, especially cause Prop 29 increases the tax of a dollar per pack, from it's previous mark. Also I believe it will drastically increase crime related to people robbing people for their cigarettes. A whole dollar sounds extreme. And yes, of course I do smoke. How about helping smokers who get tobacco related illnesses and help paying for their medical treatment? No, instead it's mostly donated to some initiative for 2010 no one ever heard about to stop underage smoking or something. I maybe a bit off or obtuse, but hey with are ever increasing lifespan and ever worsening overpopulation. Couldn't we as a soceity praticing some sympathy and empathy towards our fellow americans? Probably not, my current belief is that I am, in yeah morbid or awkward kind of way helping with too many people. Right now, I'm shooting for 50. I think that is a realistic guess. Easily my view or belief could change. whatever