I had the day off today/night. Working till 2 or 3 in the morning is weird. First being sober, second all the drunks especially in Hollyweird, and third there's cops everywhere. I'll have to force myself to do some more work on my house tommorrow morning. that or I'm going to take the metro to my old work's credit union and deposit some checks from my real work where I have respect for them and like working there.
Especially in the entertainment biz, the company's don't owe you shit, we're often just numbers to them and they will drop you for no reason or it doesn't matter if you do good and work well with others. Just try to get along with other fellow biz workers and gain their repsect, and jobs or opportunties will find you. Being a slave or putting your whole or majority of your life/energy into it will just be asking to take a beating and getting taken advantage of or abused. As lame or cliche as it sounds, believing in yourself is the most important thing to remember and weighing it between being humble and being self assured is a tight line to walk sometimes. Also when iut comes to getting on studios, lots, assignments, etc. (and it works for most job scenarios) When you walk or drive into a new place gp tghere with the cofidence of a person who owns the place. Not being a stuck up jack ass, or looking like a weirdo, just a sincere smile, wave, or hello to the point converstaion with the gaurds or whomever it maybe. Producers maybe the big wigs and control the purse strings, but a good relationship with the gaurds, security, maintenace, commisary, and fellow "real" workers as yourselves will make your getting o and around or maybe even be recognized by someone. People that act like assholes always get spit or worse in their food and beverages so make good with the craft service people too!!!! don't be a pig or make a huge mess they will remeber you!!!!!
my blog turned into a job preparation speech for people getting jobs in the enetertainment business. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Especially in the entertainment biz, the company's don't owe you shit, we're often just numbers to them and they will drop you for no reason or it doesn't matter if you do good and work well with others. Just try to get along with other fellow biz workers and gain their repsect, and jobs or opportunties will find you. Being a slave or putting your whole or majority of your life/energy into it will just be asking to take a beating and getting taken advantage of or abused. As lame or cliche as it sounds, believing in yourself is the most important thing to remember and weighing it between being humble and being self assured is a tight line to walk sometimes. Also when iut comes to getting on studios, lots, assignments, etc. (and it works for most job scenarios) When you walk or drive into a new place gp tghere with the cofidence of a person who owns the place. Not being a stuck up jack ass, or looking like a weirdo, just a sincere smile, wave, or hello to the point converstaion with the gaurds or whomever it maybe. Producers maybe the big wigs and control the purse strings, but a good relationship with the gaurds, security, maintenace, commisary, and fellow "real" workers as yourselves will make your getting o and around or maybe even be recognized by someone. People that act like assholes always get spit or worse in their food and beverages so make good with the craft service people too!!!! don't be a pig or make a huge mess they will remeber you!!!!!

my blog turned into a job preparation speech for people getting jobs in the enetertainment business. What the fuck is wrong with me?