Regarding My Boobs

If you've been following my blog, you know that last week I had an unpleasant visit with my family physician confirming one of my worst fears, I actually have a lump on my boob. Yesterday I went back for more testing. There was some smooshing and some ultrasounding, and it all went on for a couple of hours, and then in the end the doctor came in and was like: "You're fine." Never has an anti-climactic ending been so enjoyable.
So, I'm not dying of cancer. That kind, anyway. That I'm aware of, anyhow. There may be other things going on in my interior of which I am not aware, of course. But I'm not dead yet. Personally, I'd rather go out in a flaming, high-octane mechanical explosion, than start of a slow, horrible, horrifying ride into Deathland. But we can't choose everything in life, now can we?

If you've been following my blog, you know that last week I had an unpleasant visit with my family physician confirming one of my worst fears, I actually have a lump on my boob. Yesterday I went back for more testing. There was some smooshing and some ultrasounding, and it all went on for a couple of hours, and then in the end the doctor came in and was like: "You're fine." Never has an anti-climactic ending been so enjoyable.
So, I'm not dying of cancer. That kind, anyway. That I'm aware of, anyhow. There may be other things going on in my interior of which I am not aware, of course. But I'm not dead yet. Personally, I'd rather go out in a flaming, high-octane mechanical explosion, than start of a slow, horrible, horrifying ride into Deathland. But we can't choose everything in life, now can we?
yes It is pretty scandalous, veery political and very Egotistic, but I LOVE my job!