Okay - I'm getting ready to call in MonsterQuest. There is some sort of Gremlin lurking in my laundry room. I haven't officially seen it yet, but I've seen its handy-work. I was pulling out my load of laundry today and...

...grabbed my favorite pair of jeans ... and .... DO-OHHH..... the Gremlin shrunk them! I didn't realize the full extent of the damage until I tried to pull them on.

The button and buttonhole are now about 3 inches apart and I had to literally tug the pantlegs from the bottom to peel them back off. Has anyone else ever had this happen?
My theory is that this Gremlin or whatever it is sits in waiting for my dryer to go off and then punches in "High Heat" - "100 minutes" - and the "Start" buttons. And does that for a series of about 3 or 4 times. I also think this Gremlin likes to eat socks, but only one at a time and always from a different set. I still working on proving that theory as well.
Nasty little bastard!
I know... I know you are doubting me right now. You are saying, but Pelin, what have your eating habits been like lately? How about exercise, have you been viligilent with exercise?
Well I'll have you know that my eating habits are fan-Damn-tastic! I mean today alone - chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, a bread & butter sandwhich for lunch & potato chips for snack. And working out?! Please - I'm always in my sweat pants and ready to go. So what if I haven't seen hide or tail of my tennis shoes since I moved 9 months ago...but, that is all beside the point. The point is - I'm READY to work out ... that is whenever I pry my ass off the sofa.
So there - I proved it - I officially have a Gremlin! Call out the camera crew and lets eradicate this nasty nasty little being.
Does it take longer to be a perverse nurse over just a regular nurse?

Aren't the swirlies the coolest thing ever?