Well, in honor of VALENTINE'S day - i suppose i'll share a bit about myself. I know I normally just throw up commentaries on crap and nothing overly personal, so well....here it is........drumroll pleazzzzz.....
20 NEUROTIC THINGS ABOUT PELIN SUICIDE ........(please burn after reading!)
(1) I still live in the same state that I was born in. YES, boring! But, what do you expect - I'm a Cancer and I totally hate change.
(2) I grew up in an extended family; meaning my Grandma, my Uncle,and his 2nd wife and my two cousins lived with us at one point or another when my brothers and I were growing up.
(3) I'm the baby and only girl of my family............CAREFUL! I already know I'm spoiled!
(4) I used to bring home every stray animal that I came across when I was little. This included 2 cats, 1 dog, 7 rabbits, 3 birds, 10 frogs, 50 lighting bugs....(those didn't last very long).
(5) I went to Catholic grade school where the dress code was:
plaid skirts
blue cords
white button down shirts
knee socks
(6) I never kept in touch with anyone from highschool or college. I think some of it has to do with (#7)
(7) I have an phobia of telephones. I'm not shitting you. I even cancelled Vonage so I didn't have to pick up the damn phone!
(8) I had to get braces twice along with two sets of retainers and a franko when I was a teenager.
(9) I tend to keep a few really close friends as compared to a large group.
(10) I also tend to rotate friends every few years which saddens me. I think it is because I aways end up taking a different path that they don't understand and we fall out of touch.
(11) I've suffered with depression most of my life.
(12) I have the two most beautiful children in the world and they inspire me to be the best person I can possibly be.
(13) I'm the complete opposite of June Cleaver. Although, I do love to cook and have a fondness for beaver!
(14) I have never broke a bone, but have bruised my tailbone quite severly once. I had to do 6 weeks of Physical Therapy which included get electrocuted on the ass.
(15) The things in life that I enjoy: good conversation, music, books, kickass food, crappy food, and sleeping ....oh and Tivo.
(16) I had a hard time fitting in growing up. I tried all types of groups - but never found a good fit from Honor students, to the Dark Siders, to the Band Geeks, and then Druggies.
(17) I started driving when I was 13 and had the pedal to the metal ever since and a driving record to prove it!
(18) Cars hate me. All of mine have been like Christine and have an affinity to service centers.
(19) I love photography that stirs up emotion inside of you whether it be beautiful or shocking.
(20) I'm never what people expect.
Oh and one more thing.........my mother was a very big influence in my life. I miss her very much. today is the 2nd anniversary of her death. Rest in Peace, Mama...I love you very much and miss you even more.