Pelin is having a shitty ass day.
(1) Woke up to 20 below weather.
(B) Crawled out of bed and stepped in cat puke.
(2) Got bit in the hand breaking up a fight between my two dogs over a damn chewy. Owwwie.
(3) Made my baby girl lunch just to have her whip it across the room.
(!) Tried to masturbate but got interrupted by the UPS man ringing the doorbell, which of course woke up baby girl. Damn it all the hell!!
(3) Put my coat on to go to my eye appointment and discovered the cat pissed on it.
(4) Went outside to go to my eye appointment and found the battery was dead in the car.
(5) Got puffed in the eye when I finally got to my eye appointment. (Ewww. I hate that!)
(P) Got a super talky eye doctor. "Just need to know if I can legally drive without glasses beotch, you don't need my life story!"
(IV) Got laughed at by my 5 yr-old son when he saw me with my new glasses. Apparently, I look like this:
(8) And to top it off - got hideous menstral cramps this evening.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...... Pelin not happy. And there is nothing salty or sweet in this fucking house to eat! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
(1) Woke up to 20 below weather.
(B) Crawled out of bed and stepped in cat puke.
(2) Got bit in the hand breaking up a fight between my two dogs over a damn chewy. Owwwie.
(3) Made my baby girl lunch just to have her whip it across the room.
(!) Tried to masturbate but got interrupted by the UPS man ringing the doorbell, which of course woke up baby girl. Damn it all the hell!!
(3) Put my coat on to go to my eye appointment and discovered the cat pissed on it.
(4) Went outside to go to my eye appointment and found the battery was dead in the car.
(5) Got puffed in the eye when I finally got to my eye appointment. (Ewww. I hate that!)
(P) Got a super talky eye doctor. "Just need to know if I can legally drive without glasses beotch, you don't need my life story!"
(IV) Got laughed at by my 5 yr-old son when he saw me with my new glasses. Apparently, I look like this:

(8) And to top it off - got hideous menstral cramps this evening.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...... Pelin not happy. And there is nothing salty or sweet in this fucking house to eat! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

JAN 19, 2009 08:51 AM
Awesome climbing pics! Congrats on the no rope assistance! I'm very envious of the gorgeous enviornment you get to play in!
You know I only like a 24hr drive away
No seriously I hope you get some good weather to start enjoying yourself more outdoors.