It's been ages since I read it. It's a definite must read again. I sometimes like to do that, go back and re-read a book or see a movie that I hadn't since I was younger to see how it speaks to me as an adult.
I'm often plagued by bad dreams. And what I find strange is that the same themes have been repeating themselves over and over for as long as I can remember.
It annoys the hell out of me. I'm curious. Does anyone else experience this?
Here are the more popular examples:
THE CELL PHONE. gRRR. I often dream that I'm... Read More
I always dream about a nuclear holocaust. From when I was about seven years old. I'd be looking out my sister's bedroom window, which had a really nice view of a valley with a hilly range in the distance, and all of a sudden FLASH, then a mushroom cloud would form on the horizon.
Variations of that have been haunting me for the past 20 years. :S
i have the losing teeth dream, usually when i feel like things are coming unglued at work. the raging headache that comes with it (also from grinding teeth) makes it all so much better, doesn't it?!