my last girlfriend was tight and all for once i had a cute girlfriend had left dumb ppl behind even if they always come back sometimes dressed as elephants sometimes just a freacking niddle stuck in my house i dont know even if i dont think about it i think its great to be single i take care of myself and am happy about it i just left the feelings for these many girls i did love for so long i mean how long do u got to be young to just get a shag and realy care for it as much as you think where u live has everything to offer food cloth lots of money and a ton of hopeless idiots no its not that dumb i know for a fact it isnt im realy depressed i got till my 18 year birthday thinking the same going back to argentina buenos aires la pampa or bariloche i was pretty sure going back some day and find everything the same like if days and nights made weeks apear as fun facts for stupid ppl on the television i think going to school first elementary then high school and tried a little of college im not saying its the best you can ever think of but at least i know my ex girlfriend didnt care much for that if u think u can go out whit someone then ask her things such as do u want to watch tv or go for a fancy dinner or even travel to europe it might get realy low fucking low im not sure how i can compete sometimes whit the lines between me and numerous nights whitout sleeping just enduring the seasons to try something out of it so many ppl have crossed my sight and so many respond to it in different ways i dont want to say i think of them as realy smart ppl while i went to school most of times it was realy hard everyone wanted to get a part of myself so it should be easy to let them know stuff such as do u live inside your house or do u talk our language im not sure but realy akward things came out of it im not sure if getting laid whit my exgirlfriend brought me to this conclusion but i prefer sometimes lay quiet and let everything pass in a day like this one where i just want to go back somewhere such as my brain and realy tell myself i was smart about everything
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