hai again to those who follow me in my daily journay to those ive added and those who sometimes pass infront of my members photo and see me blogging... so nothing is new in my life i have a cute dog hes 5 and beautyfull cat my ex gf gave me after a few months of going out together dealing whit my past sucking jerking life hes 11
so i have almost finish been here i dont see the point of it when i cant get a girlfriend i do like stoping by meeting so gorgeous girls i just cant stand figuring out how im going to get maried when i turn to my gap so yeah talking about gap i saw this cool t-shirt of nasa... and i have a wishlist too to those who like to give me something for my birthday its the 27 of september so it goes on when am i gonna tell my parents i want to move out or just buy a house and live whit em i dont know i care about things like always did since i care about money yelling in this neighboorhood is like teeling your friends ur gay or looking for food in the garbage but i dont get it i was so well in swiss i had friends things did hapend everyday i was poor and living the life of a cool kid whit so many toys well no not many toys but a endless way of makeing my way over old poeple when i went back to argentina it was so cooler i didnt have friends but just seeing all the things that went on and made forget myself living somewhere else then where i was born was awesome i keep a well conordiante life about there you know eating whit your folks family cousins grandma aunt neighboors and not having to speak another language was all that still i made myself available to girls all the time just not thinking about how am ii going to go to the hills was at least not my point of view i like the city just hate some ppl i can tolerate skaters they are awesome if u get by things like dark spots i love it stinky toilets and endless night taking the bus nightclubs and such for some weird reason i posted this