So recently I've been back and forth about my job.
I don't plan on going anywhere. I do however feel a little to micro
managed half then time then the other half completely left without
boundry. Its is not exactly a happy feeling.
See when I started at cottonwood everyone else on management quit. So
that left me really stressed out. (Not to menton its holliday) Then we
got the manager from Santa Fe to come down to our store. And that was
great. Except she has a pretty tight relationship with our DM. So
naturally that makes me uneasy. (Reasons those who know me already know)
Well now she's running both cottonwood and santa fe (mind you. I think
is crazy and streching her thin) so when I do talk to her its brief,
with little to no feedback. If there is feed back its questioning why
things were not done.
Also there is a new assiant who just came from pdx. Poor thing hasn't
had any talk with the manager at all. So she's blindly running the store
when she's there. To top that off we have 2 temp key holders, and a
break person. Now the two temp key holders are great. The break person
is great, however she's not 18. According to the law you have to be 18
to be in charge of other people. So lets say I went on my 15 minute
break and people from hq walked in and wanted to know who was running
the store at the moment. Here is little 16/17 yo raising her hand. Okay
granted I won't get in trouble, it would be the dm that approved it.
Think of it this way, I'm on my 15 and someone robs the store. Cops are
called and its the underage break person who makes the call, fills out
report, contacts hq, the dm, whatnot. You tell me that one kid in the
stores parent finds out that the person in charge wasn't of legal age.
Who's sue happy family won't slap a law suit on us, the company?
I know I sound real bitchy about this but I'm tired of little rules
broken for the sake of its holliday, or everyone is stressed out,
whatever. The law dosent fucking care what time of year, or who's
feeling what. Quite frankly I don't either.
I must admit I'm getting of tired of these little micro manage-like
questions and concerns (why wasn't blah blah blah? When I'm making plan
or more for the day with one other person in the store), really can I
please answer with why do you blanently dissregaurd the law and company
Ugh. Okay, so I'm a bit miffed.
And I would plan on telling my manager if she were there for more then 5
I don't plan on going anywhere. I do however feel a little to micro
managed half then time then the other half completely left without
boundry. Its is not exactly a happy feeling.
See when I started at cottonwood everyone else on management quit. So
that left me really stressed out. (Not to menton its holliday) Then we
got the manager from Santa Fe to come down to our store. And that was
great. Except she has a pretty tight relationship with our DM. So
naturally that makes me uneasy. (Reasons those who know me already know)
Well now she's running both cottonwood and santa fe (mind you. I think
is crazy and streching her thin) so when I do talk to her its brief,
with little to no feedback. If there is feed back its questioning why
things were not done.
Also there is a new assiant who just came from pdx. Poor thing hasn't
had any talk with the manager at all. So she's blindly running the store
when she's there. To top that off we have 2 temp key holders, and a
break person. Now the two temp key holders are great. The break person
is great, however she's not 18. According to the law you have to be 18
to be in charge of other people. So lets say I went on my 15 minute
break and people from hq walked in and wanted to know who was running
the store at the moment. Here is little 16/17 yo raising her hand. Okay
granted I won't get in trouble, it would be the dm that approved it.
Think of it this way, I'm on my 15 and someone robs the store. Cops are
called and its the underage break person who makes the call, fills out
report, contacts hq, the dm, whatnot. You tell me that one kid in the
stores parent finds out that the person in charge wasn't of legal age.
Who's sue happy family won't slap a law suit on us, the company?
I know I sound real bitchy about this but I'm tired of little rules
broken for the sake of its holliday, or everyone is stressed out,
whatever. The law dosent fucking care what time of year, or who's
feeling what. Quite frankly I don't either.
I must admit I'm getting of tired of these little micro manage-like
questions and concerns (why wasn't blah blah blah? When I'm making plan
or more for the day with one other person in the store), really can I
please answer with why do you blanently dissregaurd the law and company
Ugh. Okay, so I'm a bit miffed.
And I would plan on telling my manager if she were there for more then 5